Ladies whenever we have a great find we have to share it. You all know and love Youtuber Chime Edwards right? Well if you have not seen her video where she went through in detail the history of black hair, please read this post and watch it below.
We have tackled hair history before, we have even looked at hair styles throughout the ages and also some of the styles worn by traditional African tribes today.
There is something special about the history of black people, from Africa until now even the hard to watch parts like, slavery and the exploitation we endured based on what we look like.
One of the things I have noticed since moving to the United States is that some aspects of Black History is missing from traditional High school.
Where I am from, the slave trade was taught in detailed despite who was in the classroom. The kids now will learn some black history but coming from an English educated country like Jamaica there are things we were introduced to that an American child in a traditional class room may not ever see.
This is definitely a whole other conversation for a diffent blog but it becomes relevant when I see video’s like this one because I keep thinking, my kids need to see this.
We know kids now that are so enamored by dread locs and Bob Marley but they have no understanding of the foundation of locs. Where it came from, why men decided to grow their hair long at that time.
Now it is more of a fashion statement but there is real history there. Bob Marley is a part of that history and he probably understands his love of locs more than any of us will ever know.
I appreciate Chime for her contribution to the education of everyone even if it just an 8 minute rendition. Watch the video below:
Well done!
Thank you very much I love my phone and my hair and the inf.
Love this!! <3