The moment I come across a product I love, I rejoice and do a little happy dance! I think, when you find a staple product, a celebration is definitely in need.
Especially when bad luck seems to surround your hair journey. I have compiled a short list of products I refuse to live without for the simple fact that my hair journey would not be the same without them. Let’s check out the winners
First on the list my beloved Aloe Vera Juice. In the movie Coming to America we all got a laugh out of juices and berries being used in the hair. My thought was, “this truly can’t be a thing”.
Much to my surprise it works. I stumbled upon this heaven sent product when I was relaxed and turned out to be a great detangler for new growth. Aside from the fact of it being a great detangler, it also has great moisturizing benefits and balances hairs PH. What’s not to love?!
2. Coconut Oil*
I feel as though coconut oil should be in every diva’s hair stash. If there is a miracle product out there, it would be coconut oil. So many great benefits packed into this oil that you are truly missing out if it’s not a part of your regimen. A few highlights I like about it is that it prevents protein loss from the hair, works well as a hot oil treatment, and even helps retain moisture.
3. Eden Body Works Jojoba Monoi Deep Conditioner
Funny story with this product, when I first tried it, I hated it. I’m not sure why I didn’t like it before but now my hair just loves it. I’ll admit it does have a strong scent but at least it smells good. I recommend this product if you have thick coarse hair. A little goes a long way with this product so it’ll be sure to last you a while.
4 . Shea Butter*
I started using this product about two years ago when I was at my witts ends trying to keep moisture in my hair during the winter.
Even my coconut oil was having a hard time which it had not in the past. Mixing shea butter, coconut oil, and JBCO provides the perfect mix to keep my hair feeling soft and moisturized during the winter months.
5. Nexxus Humectress Ultra Moisture Conditioner
This is a conditioner that I also double as a deep conditioner because it does so well for my hair. Aside from fact that it keeps my hair feeling wonderful, I love the fact that it comes in a large 33 Oz bottle. Now that’s a lot of conditioner! This usually last me up to 4 months, and I am heavy handed with my products.
I’m curious to know, what’s your top five list of products you can’t live without ? Do you agree with some of the one’s I listed? I look forward to trying more products that I can add to my must have list.
Love the top 3!
The Aloe Vera is also great when sick…pour 4 ounces in a glass and drop one Airborne tablet in to dissolve, then drink. Flushes out toxins.
How many times a day?
Once a day in the morning. I only use the airborne at beginning of getting a cold. Otherwise daily I drink 4ounces of aloe mixed with orange juice or apple juice as a daily gentle detox. That stuff has a million uses and did not know you can use for hair. I have very dry hair. So Question: do you put in spray and spray in hair? Do I need to rinse out? Or do I add to hair cleanser? Please give me the 411 on using this for hair.
I use it in a spray bottle with a mixture of glycerin, coconut oil, Jamaican black castor oil, and rose water. I spritz my hair with it every day before styling. It keeps my hair soft and moisturized.
Please can you tell how you use it on your hair. Thank you Amen
AVJ, Coconut oil and Shea are my staples, everything else rotates. I drink the AVJ and use it on my skin & hair. I can tell something is missing when I run out and don’t restock immediately b/c my face starts to break out and my hair is noticeably drier. I use coconut oil in all of my DIY DCs and shea butter is for my skin year round and my helps to seal my hair in the winter.
Thank you for this great information I have in my fridge right now. Now I got to get me some airborne. Thank you very much. God bless you. AMEN❤️
GREAT information☝