Use multi-purpose products
Want to save money and or skip an extra step in your regimen? Invest in some products that are multi-purpose. There are a few products out there that are made for us curly girls, it just requires a little research to find them. Here are some of our favorites:
Naturalicious 5-in-1 Rhassoul Clay*– this product is a pre-poo, shampoo, rinse out, deep conditioner*, and leave in conditioner* all in one (and it doesn’t hurt that it’s sold by the first black woman to hold a patent for a natural hair product).
It does each task advertised on the bottle, while leaving hair soft and moisturized. This is the first part of a three part hair care system that’s supposed to turn wash day into wash hour.
Natasha Somalia Cleanse– While some people use conditioner as co-wash, the majority of conditioners don’t have the cleansing properties needed to remove product build up. This product is great because it acts as both a co-wash and conditioner. Instead of needing two products, you simply just apply Cleanse at the beginning of your shower, and you wash it out at the end.
Shea Moisture* Raw Shea Butter Restorative Conditioner– This conditioner is great, because it can be used as both a rinse out and leave in conditioner*. All you have to do after conditioning hair in the shower is just apply to wet hair and leave in. It’s lightweight and ultra moisturizing.
Know whether to use hot or cold water
Contrary to what you may know or think, water temperature plays a big part in our wash day. Whether you use hot, warm, or cold water can make the difference in your hair, so it’s important to know when to use each.
Use warmer water when you’re cleansing your hair. It helps open up follicle when washing, and helps to remove dirt and product buildup. Make sure not to use water that is scalding hot. Also, don’t use warm water when rinsing hair, because the steam and humidity will also leave lasting frizz.
Use cooler water when rinsing hair. Cooler water helps seal the cuticle after washing and conditioning. Using cooler water also plays a part against frizz when you get out of the shower.
Heated towel deep conditioner*
The heated towel trick is perfect for anyone that wants to do a deep conditioning* treatment but doesn’t have a hooded dryer. All you need is a towel and a clothes dryer (or a heater in the winter months).
Simply warm the towel while you shower, so that it can be nice and toasty when you get out. Apply your deep conditioner, put on a satin cap, then wrap the towel around your head. The heat will activate the other properties and benefits of whichever hair product you use.
These are our four favorite wash day hair hacks (for now). What are yours? What’s your favorite tip for a faster or more effective wash day?
Susan Cartwright says
Carla Tyner says
Looks like she was born w/beautiful hair?