Gorgeous perm rod set @markele.dejanae Vanessa · October 1, 2016 · 31 Comments * Disclosure: Some of the links below are affiliate links. This means that at no additional cost to you, I will earn a commission if you go through and make a purchase. « PREV PHOTO NEXT PHOTO » @markele.dejanae HAIRSTYLE CATEGORIES ▼ BRAIDS AND TWISTS NATURAL HAIRSTYLES SHORT HAIRCUTS WEAVES AND EXTENSIONS UPDOS KIDS HAIRSTYLES LOCS AND FAUX LOCS RELAXED HAIRSTYLES MEMES AND GENERAL CELEBRITIES SHARE THE PHOTO SharePin47Tweet47 Shares MORE HAIRSTYLES SharePin47Tweet47 Shares ENJOYED THIS POST? JOIN OUR NEWSLETTER! Sign Up Now JOIN THE COMMUNITY ▼ DONT MISS A POST. JOIN BELOW We post fabulous articles that will teach you how to grow and care for your hair. Join the community now to begin getting tips in your inbox. Name Email Marketing permission: I give my consent to BHI to be in touch with me via email using the information I have provided in this form for the purpose of news, updates and marketing. HP
Linnea Thomas says October 1, 2016 at 19:04 Lauren Jackson and Natasha Grant looking for some volunteers to do my hair like this. Thanks in advance Reply
Michalle Wright says October 1, 2016 at 19:11 Richalle Wright Carolyn Wright Davis think I could rock this Reply
Carolyn Wright Davis says October 1, 2016 at 19:14 It’s cute and different…I suggest going and trying a wig on first. I bought one last week then ended up cutting it down. Reply
Marie Rose Antoinette says October 1, 2016 at 21:44 For our big day. Loukiepooh Maria Laquintah Reply
Loukiepooh Maria Laquintah says October 1, 2016 at 22:51 College graduation, med school graduation and wedding Reply
Marie Rose Antoinette says October 2, 2016 at 01:54 Yassssssssssss blind everyone. ????????????Blind facebook haha Reply
Loukiepooh Maria Laquintah says October 2, 2016 at 01:55 Lmaooooo girlllll we gonna take so many pics ???????????????????????????????????????????????? Reply
Marie Rose Antoinette says October 2, 2016 at 01:58 ????????????????But yo…that cameraman might be super expensive. Smh. We gotta save up RIGHT NOW. ???????????? Reply
Marcia Williams says October 2, 2016 at 02:03 This is another style I want. To cute. VVaughn Leigh Reply
Cherly Nicole Nunez says October 2, 2016 at 04:13 Let my hair grow a little more and it’ll be wild! Reply
Sharon Langhorne says October 2, 2016 at 19:02 Mind was like that until the rain hit it. But its coming back from the old day style. You can do different styles with it too. Reply
Sharon Langhorne says October 2, 2016 at 19:07 Nice Rod work . Look like they use a great setting product .What kind was it? I like that gloss. Reply
Lauren Jackson and Natasha Grant looking for some volunteers to do my hair like this. Thanks in advance
???????? this cute
Richalle Wright Carolyn Wright Davis think I could rock this
It’s cute and different…I suggest going and trying a wig on first. I bought one last week then ended up cutting it down.
I like that for myself.
So cute
Keziah Maria this my next project for my hair
Wow beautiful hair I like it❤❤❤
For our big day. Loukiepooh Maria Laquintah
We have 3 big day so which one?
College graduation, med school graduation and wedding
Yassssssssssss blind everyone. ????????????Blind facebook haha
Lmaooooo girlllll we gonna take so many pics ????????????????????????????????????????????????
I’ma hire a cameraman too
????????????????But yo…that cameraman might be super expensive. Smh. We gotta save up RIGHT NOW. ????????????
Very pretty
This is another style I want. To cute. VVaughn Leigh
Another style I’ll probably be rocking this winter
I like this now
Cherly Nicole Nunez look! Do it!
Let my hair grow a little more and it’ll be wild!
It will be beautiful!!
Absolutely! Love my curls!
Curls and lipstick on point.
Mind was like that until the rain hit it. But its coming back from the old day style. You can do different styles with it too.
Nice Rod work . Look like they use a great setting product .What kind was it? I like that gloss.
Love it all
I like the hair. Nice