Winter is a tough time for your scalp. Going from the warmth of indoors to freezing temperatures and biting winds outdoors can wreak havoc on your hair, skin, and your delicate scalp.
Then there’s the dry heat in your house, in your car and at work, sucking much of the moisture out of your skin and hair. The result is that your scalp gets dehydrated, leading to itching and flaking.
The good news is that there are some things you can do to keep your scalp healthy, and you can do it without the aid of harsh chemicals. Here are some all-natural approaches to addressing a dry scalp.
What NOT To Do. There are some important things you need to avoid if you want to have a healthy scalp. The first is to stop using hair grease, which has long been considered a staple of good hair care. Unfortunately, it contributes more to the problem and not its solution. Hair grease clogs your pores and prevents moisture from penetrating to your scalp. Just say no to hair grease! Shampoos and many oil containing products should be approached with care. You need to read the labels on the products you buy – if one of the first five ingredients is mineral oil*, petrolatum or lanolin*, don’t buy it because they will do more harm than good.
Shampoo Infrequently. Shampooing too frequently will just exacerbate problems with dry scalp. Even a weekly washing will turn out to be too frequent for some. Most people end up going with a shampoo every 10-14 days. Since you’re only shampooing about twice each month, it’s okay to use a clarifying shampoo* to take care of any buildup, but make sure the pH is between 4.5 and 5.5 to mimic the pH of your scalp. When you do shampoo, make sure to use the pads of your fingers and not your nails to rub it gently into the roots of your hair and scalp.
Scalp Massage. This may sound silly, but the benefits can be fantastic, especially if you use the right oil. Besides feeling good and reducing stress, scalp massage can also stimulate hair growth. To get the most benefit for your scalp, use natural oils* like jojoba, coconut, olive or avocado. Use a tablespoon of oil at most to moisturize and lubricate the part of your scalp you’re going to massage keep the pads of your fingers (no nails) planted firmly and use a circular motion like you would when giving a back rub. If you use a good, natural oil to massage your scalp every day, you won’t need to buy or use separate conditioners for your hair.
Drink Lots of Water. You should also take particular care to drink as much water as you can, especially during the winter months. Keeping your whole body well-hydrated on the inside will help distribute much-needed moisture to your scalp as well. Drinking 8 glasses of water each day will not only rejuvenate your scalp, it will increase your overall health by leaps and bounds.
Achieving and maintaining a healthy scalp isn’t rocket science, but it does take some time and effort on a regular basis. Take these natural scalp-care tips to heart, make them a regular part of your daily routine, and enjoy the benefits!
Terry Norman says
Welp I call bs. I use grease, my grandma, her mom, etc used grease & they have BEAUTIFUL & HEALTHY hair.
Tonia Mcknight says
I agree with you 100%
Celeste Jackman says
i agree. i mean to each their own but grease ws used on my hair as kid and it was fine and ive gone back to it and now that scalp is used to it again i will continue
Terry Norman says
I’m going back to it also!!! Trying to decide which on which one!
Jenny JackJack says
Shealyn Richardson says
I agree think about all the women back in our parents day. All they had was hair grease and their hair was long and beautiful Terry Norman
Jesika Jesik says
Tea for covering the gray hair:
Terry Norman says
^^ exactly. We do all this stuff to our hair to grow it, when back then our parents used little to no effort. Blue Magic, royal crown, etc
Ashley Selmon-Mosley says
I still use grease and water on my natural hair and it’s just fine. Actually it works better than all this new stuff that’s out there.For me anyway.
Beverly TruelyBlessed Conover says
Go with the Basic!!! My mom always wash,part my hair and grease d it and my hair was “Thick”!!! Today i uses this new stuff and mess my hair up!!! Going back to my root with the Basic,Grease!!!
Ashley Selmon-Mosley says
All this oil from the kitchen caused my hair to shed.I’m talking about Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Coconut oil, Jamaica Blk Castor oil, as soon as I went back to that good BLUE grease (Doo gro) My hair has been growing like a wild flower.I use all the stuff that suppose to be bad for your hair and my hair is fine.
Tae Moore says
I haven’t used grease in a very long time in my head! I do use JAMAICAN BLACK CASTOR OIL along with other oils in my hair. To each is own
TiffyTiff Marie Smith says
I went back to grease blue magic yessss…. it keeps my hair moisturized, seals, and cuts down on frizz i even add a dab while blowdrying so idc abt these new natural rules cuz i dont follow them i do what works best 4 me
Ciana Ford says
What about dandruff???
Von Hicks White says
I had to go back to hair grease because all the other products I tried did not keep my hair moisturized. My hair was dry and it was a nightmare to detangle. I went back to the basics and now my hair is not such a big chore to deal with.
HisDestiny Forevvr says
yeah that grease yo scalp shit—clogged alot of hair follicles—making hair NOT GROW—slowing down the hair from the root must be the worst thing
HisDestiny Forevvr says
the grease thats out now—has a lot of hormones in it—somekinda way–too muchtoo explain here—but it sd thats y blk girls develop earlier then whites—the right oils wld be much better—the industry gets petroleum (base of grease) in very different and toxic ways nowadays
Michelle Pinkney says
Not ever hair grease has hormonoes..
HisDestiny Forevvr says
I know that…but I don’t trust anything but raw butters n oils…n the hormone thing was a SCIENTIFIC study done…some CHEMICALS have estrogenic effects in the body…so hormones like from placenta are not the only way to screw up your hormones..
Common Baily says
My hair shed so bad my hair started feeling brittal just rough. I will use oils in conjunction with Carols daughters mimosa pomade. I was on my way to blue magic as well
HisDestiny Forevvr says
@common don’t forget hot oil treatments…add of oil to freshly washed n conditioned hair…throw on a thermal cap..n wait..rinse with warm water…n make sure u use a good shampoo n conditioner…
MissAnne Heartofagoddess says
Hair grease been in my fam for generations… all depends on how much….. but grease itself don’t stop hair growth….ive been using it my whole life and my hair grows fast everyday……now to much heat is bad… much chemicals are bad but hair grease……I doubt it
Michelle Pinkney says
I tried using different natural oils on myself and my daughter’s hair and nothing worked. So went old school with grandmom wilkies hair grease and the hair ia on point….it contains no hormones