Cleopatra is said to have taken honey baths, and it’s been said that Nero the Roman Emperor’s wife; used honey on her face. Honey has been used throughout centuries for many uses, even in beauty products. In modern times, honey is becoming that much more popular in all kinds of beauty and hair care products. With the labelling of organic and natural product lines, people are appreciating honey’s benefits and thus these natural hair care lines, are gaining popularity.
“Types of Honey”
Hair Be Silk is one of the few organic/natural hair companies that make honey products. The Manuka Honey Hair Poo is a pre-shampoo treatment. Its main ingredient boasts this Carmel like thick Manuka Honey fromNew Zealand, Manuka Honey is a monofloral produced inNew Zealand and parts of Australia. Manuka honey is gathered from bees feeding on manuka, which grows uncultivated throughout New Zealand.
“A Sticky Situation”
One of the benefits in honey is its ability to retain moisture. It gives great shine and moisture to the hair shaft and helps keep the hair soft and shiny. It rinses easily because it dissolves in water, so it can be used without the feeling of being sticky or hard to rinse out.
“Honey & Hair”
Honey is natural:
Honey is therefore great for sensitive skin, and to protect the skin in exfoliating concoctions.
*Those allergic to bees should refrain from usage or contact a health care physician before use
Key ingredient:
To get the most benefit, make sure your honey is an organic or pure and all-natural Honey such as the Manuka Honey.
Back Bar Usage:
For those of you want to make a batch and cannot order a honey treatment quick enough, you can make a back bar container quickly in your own kitchen by Mixing 1/4 cup honey, 1-2 tablespoons of olive oil* and 1/4 cup of aloe vera gel*. Leave on the hair for 30 minutes, then shampoo and rinse as usual. It will not have the lil extras that a manufactured natural honey* poo will contain, such as the ones made by organic/natural hair care companies, but it will give you an idea that the benefits honey has for your mane.
“More Honey Recipes”
Homemade Honey Treatment:
1 tablespoon of honey
1 tablespoon of olive oil*
Mix honey with Olive* Oil. Heat in microwave oven to melt and apply to hair then cover head with a very warm towel for half an hour while taking a warm soothing bath then shampoo
Honey Hair Lightener
Mix 1/4 cup of honey in 1 cup of water and leave for an hour. Then add 1 tablespoon of olive oil* and teaspoon of fresh lemon juice. Apply to dry hair. After one hour, shampoo out. The honey generates mild peroxide with the lemon, to gradually lighten hair. Other honey* constituents protect hair and skin from damage.
Honey Hair Detangler
Decrease hair tangling by mixing 1 tsp. honey with 2 tbsp. olive oil* and a mild shampoo. After rinsing, dry the hair, it should be soft, shiny and tangle free.
So, for all you sweet tooth’s out there, no matter what your honey regime includes, be sure to leave enough honey in the container for your hair…and try not to lick it all off your fingers! You are now on the road to a healthy shiny mane of hair.