There is a new treatment on the market that actually works to prevent hair loss– PRP or Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy involves, no drugs, no surgery, and no expensive ointments. It does, however, cost about $400 per session.
According to ABC news this is how it is done:
PRP starts by drawing blood from the patient. The blood then goes into a machine that separates out the platelets filled with growth factors.
Those growth factor-filled platelets are then injected into the scalp to stimulate new-hair growth, decrease hair loss and make the hair grow thicker.
Producing platelet rich plasma is approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The PRP procedure is not yet approved but there is a clinical trial underway now.
“You are injecting the scalp, so you can get bruising, a little swelling and you can get a little collection of blood,” Dr. Jeffrey Rapaport, a New Jersey-based dermatologist who performs PRP, told ABC News.
The bruising and the swelling on the scalp they claim are temporary and should go away and leave you with luxurious hair. From the clinical tests, the results are pretty promising and I know a few women who would spend 400 to get this done.
Chantal Jaysey said her hair took a dramatic and “very embarrassing” shift after she gave birth to her son. Jaysey turned to PRP and after two months, she said, she started to see a big change.
“It was very lush. It was very beautiful,” Jaysey told ABC News of her post-treatment hair.
Michele Lowe is another mom who says having children changed her once-think hair into thin, brittle hair. She also claims that after just two PRP treatments, she got her thick hair back.
“It’s probably the best thing I have ever done for myself,” Lowe told ABC News.
Dr. Jennifer Ashton, ABC News chief women’s health correspondent also said she tried PRP herself and after about 6 months the results were ‘dramatic”
“That was about a six-month time period and you see it’s dramatic,” Ashton said today on “Good Morning America.” “Very impressive for me. I got a great result.”
This is a big deal and something that might be a real solution for women suffering from Alopecia. Would you try it if you had hair loss?
They actually had a plastic surgeon at the Taliah Waajid World Natural Hair Show in Atlanta that does this procedure and it’s showing very promising results! I asked whether similar results could be derived from taking a collagen supplement rather than the platelet transfer with the use of the derma wand. She didn’t know for sure, but thought that it should be possible to achieve positive results, although not to the same extent. I’ll definitely be following up with her to find out! Excellent story! Thanks so much for keeping us up to date on the newest technology!