There’s a reason why there are so many resources catered for natural hair. The truth is that, if there aren’t any problems, there wouldn’t be a need for someone to come up with a solution for the problem.
So in today’s post, I will be sharing 5 common issues that many Naturalistas face on a regular basis. I will also be sharing some tips on how to solve these problems.
Problem #1: >Breakage
Breakage is listed first on here because it’s the number one reason why a lot of Black women just can’t get their hair to grow longer than the length it’s been stuck at for several years.
Breakage is also another reason why many women have been led to believe that their hair grows slowly or that their hair can only grow to a certain length.
Solution: To tackle breakage, the main thing that you must do is to ensure that your hair stays moisturized for as long as possible. Dry hair will break off, even if it’s in a protective style. However, when it’s soft, bouncy and healthy, it’s more resilient to breakage.
To moisturize your hair, ensure that you use a good leave-in conditioner* and remember to seal the product in with a good sealant. Keeping your hair moisturized for a longer period of time actually requires a plan that you must factor into your regimen.
Problem #2: Split Ends
Ahh, split ends. The most annoying hair problem ever known to mankind. At least in my own opinion. The reason for this is that when a piece of hair breaks off, the remaining piece of hair that’s left over can continue to grow, without being affected by the broken piece of hair that’s on the floor.
However when a strand of hair splits into two or thinner strands, this split end will progress into splitting ends where by the hair will continue splitting all the way towards the root. The relentless efforts of split ends to bring “everyone” down is the main reason why it’s recommended that you get rid of them before they affect the rest of your hair.
Solution: Cut them off! The same way that you can’t fix a “bad apple”, you also can’t fix split ends. While split ends can’t be avoided, you can however minimize them by ensuring that your ends are moisturized, seal and protected.
ABOUT ADEOLA ADEGBUSI thnks for your good advice.i think its very good idea for solve our hair problems.