There was a cartoon going around on Instagram of a phone conversation where a girl had to turn down Saturday plans due to the fact that it was wash day. The other girl (I believe she was caucasian) asked if it was really going to take all day? Poor thing just didn’t understand.
Truth is that’s the story for a lot of us naturals. Wash day is called wash day because it’s typically an all day ordeal. From pre-pooing, protein treatments, shampooing, conditioning, detangling, deep conditioning*, and then onto styling and drying. So many steps which vary for different lengths and textures.
My wash days are Sundays. I typically will come home after church and completing all of my errands and tackle my hair. I, however, have made efforts to ensure that wash day isn’t an all day marathon. I will literally wait until 6pm to start my hair and will be done in a couple of hours.
Multitasking is key during wash day. For starters I pre-poo ahead of time or while I’m doing other things. Typically my pre-poos consists of doing a heavy layer of oils* all over. If I’m washing in the am I’ll pre-poo over night. If I’m doing my usual 6pm gig I’ll pre-poo once I get home and am completing things around the house. Sometimes I will even throw on a shower cap* and a bonnet and run errands or head to the gym.
When it comes to protein treatments and deep conditioning* I apply the product, cover my hair with a plastic cap and I’m typically doing other things around the house like cooking dinner while letting it sit.
Shampooing and conditioning is pretty straight forward. I only do one round of shampooing and then condition long enough to run a wide tooth comb* or a Denman brush through my strands to detangle.
When it comes to styling I will apply my leave in and oils* and allow my hair to air dry a little before installing my twists or braids. This helps to ensure that when I wake up in the morning my roots will be completely dry. And if needed I will spritz a little water on the ends to ensure smooth definition.
Wash day doesn’t have to take up your entire day. Optimize your time by multitasking and using tools to make your process easier.