When making the decision to go natural if you thought your only struggle was going to be figuring out how to tame your coils and mastering a twist out you’re wrong!
Naturals everyday are dealing with societal issues of opposition towards natural hair. And I’m one of them. Unfortunately, many times the main source of this opposition is from loved ones and that is when it hurts most.
When I decided to go from wearing a short relaxed tapered pixie cut to giving up relaxers and growing out my natural coils I got a lot of sweat from my family in particular.
First in college my mother rejected the idea and said it was a phase. She then pressured me to give in and chemically relax my hair again. I revisited the idea of making the journey to natural 4 years later and here I am 1.5 years into my natural and there is no turning back!
Since starting my journey there has been continued disapproval of my decision from multiple members of my extended family who viewed it as being “unprofessional” or “nappy.”
I am constantly having jokes thrown in my face about how I need to comb my hair or sit-downs about how I should try straightening my hair to have more success within my career. Straight up natural hair bullying! SMH
Despite the negativity I’ve received, I have remained consistent and continue to wear my natural hair proudly. If you are enduring the same, here are my top tips for how to deal with opposition to natural hair.
Be proud
The first thing you should do is be proud! Be proud that you made such a bold decision to return to your roots and embrace the hair that grows naturally from your scalp.
Your hair is beautiful and as long as you are keeping it neat, moisturized and tamed then there should be no issues. You love your hair right? How do you view yourself? In the end that is all that matters!
Have a support system
In the event of opposition towards your hair it is so important to have a positive support system. Do you have curl friends who are also natural and on this journey with you?
Do you have people who support your decision and love your hair? Run to them. When negativity is being thrown your way, having someone who is positive and helps you stay motivated makes all the difference in the world.
I don’t care who don’t like mine. I’ve never had a issue tho
Haters can kick rocks barefoot right back to Africa, smh.