In this interview with Grance Dore Solange Knowles shares her current hair regimen:
My Hair: Carols Daughter Monoi oil shampoo and conditioner.
I also use raw shea butter every day and pure Argon oil when its really dry (so pure, it makes me smell like a basket of nuts).
Once a week I set up a time where I wash and deep condition and very carefully comb out my hair, always starting with the ends first.
Yesterday was that day, and so I literally popped in a dvd (My Week With Marilyn to be exact)…sectioned off my hair with clips, and combed.
I usually sit under a heat cap to penetrate the conditioner and when it’s all clean and rinsed, I twist it with two strands of hair into twists.
When I take them out, I shower again …not getting the hair wet, but letting the steam frizz my hair up a bit more.
Occasionally when I am tired of this lengthy regimen , I get braids or wear extensions* in the same texture as my own hair to give myself a break.
Solange gave an interview with Oprah (video) after chopping all her hair off in 2009. I remember thinking ‘she’s brave’ for walking around in a TWA , I transitioned for 18 long months and even now in retrospect, I would not have done it differently!
In the video she talks about how going natural has allowed her to free herself from the bondage that black women put themselves in with hair (weaves & relaxer) and that she was spending $40,000-$50,000 per year on her hair (yipes!).
Oprah herself talks about black hair being an ‘ordeal’ to look after, I’m not sure I would agree with her choice of words but I can understand it from the perspective of a young person who doesn’t know how to look after natural hair suddenly thrust into a situation where they are wondering what to do with their hair every morning.
Judging by her regimen, I’m not sure she has saved herself much time per se by going natural, depending on the styles you choose, natural hair can be every bit as time consuming as relaxed hair if not more. It also sounds a lot like she’s fallen off the weave wagon?
I truly believe that as a black woman unless your hair is locked or is constantly in braids, you are never truly free from the bondage of hair. It’s just the way it is.
The trick in my experience is choosing hairstyles that last for a week. Buns, ponytails, braid outs or curly sets are great for that. If you only have to deal with your hair once a week (with a 5 minute moisture and seal daily of course), you are well on your way to the semblance of freedom not to mention length retention in the long term!
Solange also shares her fashion and beauty tips so to read the entire interview hop on over to Grace Dore’s website.
No she needs the weave sorry she looks like a mess this way
Like everyone else said to the weave queens. Everyone else dont have to hide or try to be white, there are many who shed tht slave mentality. We are black and celebrating everything about our culture… keep tht modern day slave stuff to yoself. -___-
So close minded it’s a shame
She just needs some moisturizer
My hair looks the same way many times after I moisturize and deep condition … some naturals just have different hair. Educate yourself. The straighter the hair the more shiny the hair looks when light reflects off, when my hair was permed it could be dry and look very shiny/moisturized.
Her hair hasn’t grown in YEARS and it never looks lush & shiny. I don’t think I want her advice..
My Aunty is natural and my cousin is as well and they keep their hair cut. Solanges hair was way longer she obviously cut it.
She’s done more than one Big Chop. Her hair grows as well as everyone’s. She mentions allowing it to frizz in the shower so it’s apparently her plan to keep it as is, frizzy and not as shiny.
She look like a man
I don’t see an issue in her hair, everyone Has different hair types. Glad she’s natural and doesn’t hide it because of how negative others feel about her natural hair.
She needs something, smh…
Raw shea butter does work wonders. Not a good pic to show ive seen her hair better.
How y’all know she don’t keep her hair cut at a certain length? And I know plenty of naturals who look like they’re hair is dry but it’s just as moisturized as anybody else. Y’all doing the most.
Love it
You people need GOD….
Welp guess this is where blue get her look frm!!
her hair looks just like Blu Ivey lol cute dow
Hair grows…period! Her hair looks fine to me..I agree Tiara Sanders they’re forcing it!
why cant her and Beyoncé seek professional hair advice apparently Tina Knowles (their mom) not giving it, isn’t she a hair stylist, ijs
Your sister BEYONCE should do the same with her made ass! Nice solange.
Solange probably won’t read your comment, considering this isn’t her fb page. Not sure why your comment is directed to her.
lol.. Her hair looks fab! I guess she would rather wear her own hair than wear someone elses hair. lol Nothing is wrong with her hair.. she doesn’t need no weave! Stop being closed minded. How long can the weave wearing ladies go without wearing weave? Ask yourself that? mmmmm.. You can’t wear weaves forever. How long can you hide?
She’s beautiful but sorry don’t like her hair here in this pic……it looks like it is screaming for moisturizer
I like it !!:)
She look like Kim Kardashian
What is with all the #shade. People please. She looks fab. I couldn’t wait to read this. Nothing is wrong with her hair that is grow out her scalp the way it was intended. Stop hating on each other.
No hunny not a good look.
Reading the negative comments just shows why blacks have not prospered in all these years because there is no unity and love for each other and how brainwashed we are. It’s hair ladies…her hair and to say she needs help and she looks a mess is sad.
Wow! SMH at all the negative. @ MeMe I totally agree! It’s too SAD. We should do more motivating and congratulating or say nothing at all.
She look better then her sister. I would rather listen to her a naturalist.
Ik that Jamillah Davis im not stupid.
There r several oils around to help the hair grow…my thing is..the hair does need to be comb or it will mat up…she could use some Shea butter…Jamaican black caster oil, argan oil, Jojo oil, just to name a few…
there is nothing wrong with her natural hair smh no she doesnt look a mess, and im sure her hair is healthier than most of the people with the neg opinions. theres nothing wrong with the hair that just grows out of her scalp son. everyone doesnt need long flowy hair to look good.
Im all for natural, but her and Blue are on some no effort mess. You can be natural and not nappy, there has to be a balance. It looks like Solange has been doing Blue Ivy hair. Im sorry, but thats what I think.
Let me share with you the Willie Lynch Letter on how to make a slave. Because you mentality is exactly tht of a modern day slave and Im glad many many black people are mentally free.
I can’t stand racism or racial hate, but what I loathe more than that is racial SELF HATE! smh!
I am not here to enumerate your problems, I am here to
introduce you to a method of solving them. In my bag here, I HAVE A FULL PROOF METHOD FOR
CONTROLLING YOUR BLACK SLAVES. I guarantee every one of you that, if installed correctly, IT WILL
CONTROL THE SLAVES FOR AT LEAST 300 HUNDREDS YEARS. My method is simple. Any member of
your family or your overseer can use it. I HAVE OUTLINED A NUMBER OF DIFFERENCES AMONG THE
AND ENVY FOR CONTROL PURPOSES. These methods have worked on my modest plantation in the
West Indies and it will work throughout the South. Take this simple little list of differences and think about
them. On top of my list is “AGE,” but it’s there only because it starts with an “a.” The second is “COLOR” or
ATTITUDE of owners, whether the slaves live in the valley, on a hill, East, West, North, South, have fine
hair, course hair, or is tall or short. Now that you have a list of differences, I shall give you an outline of
action, but before that, I shall assure you that DISTRUST IS STRONGER THAN TRUST AND ENVY
STRONGER THAN ADULATION, RESPECT OR ADMIRATION. The Black slaves after receiving this
indoctrination shall carry on and will become self-refueling and self-generating for HUNDREDS of years,
maybe THOUSANDS. Don’t forget, you must pitch the OLD black male vs. the YOUNG black male, and the
YOUNG black male against the OLD black male. You must use the DARK skin slaves vs. the LIGHT skin
slaves, and the LIGHT skin slaves vs. the DARK skin slaves. You must use the FEMALE vs. the MALE,
and the MALE vs. the FEMALE. You must also have white servants and overseers [who] distrust all Blacks.
RESPECT AND TRUST ONLY US. Gentlemen, these kits are your keys to control. Use them. Have your
wives and children use them, never miss an opportunity. IF USED INTENSELY FOR ONE YEAR, THE
Some twist outs and a marvelous color will enhance her beauty. She has a beautiful face. Love it!
Natural is always better, she looks gud
Wow such hate & jealousy! It seems that it is not understood that everyone does not desire to have hair flowing down their back or a greasy, gel induced curl pattern.
What I am seeing is a lot of women who truly know nothing about hair commenting because of their own insecurities.
Some of you women would curl up n die if perms or weaves would go off market, lol! Free your minds!
I am so in love with her natural hair and how she shows it off 😉 great job!
The people that are criticizing her for wearing the hair that grows out of her scalp sicken me! Listen to yourselves!!! You are slaves to European beauty standards that you will NEVER achieve!!!! We’re black! Our hair is beautiful. So ridiculous!
You rock pretty lady!
U think she care what you all think! Laughing all the way to the bank!!
I rither spend that good Money on my natural then try to maintain weave. Am not talking bad. This is what i learn to be natural , to me it was common sense. TO ALL MY NATURAL BEAUTIFY WOMEN” see is what you get” !!!!
I love it and I teach my children to love theirs as well.
The ‘nappy’ thrown around appauls me. Some of us have that type of growth pattern associated with the term nappy. It’s not laziness or poor oiling, its our hair. Western media and poor/miseducation at its best it seems or just a feeling of superiority.
Nobody “needs” a weave. Get your life, ladies. She doesn’t have to conform just because YOU are insecure about your hair.
My hair is just like that. Even with the oils.It looks dry and hard but actually its quite soft!!
I applaud her for giving her hair a rest. This too is what I am doing.No perms no weaves.
Like her niece
She’s so much prettier than her sister beyonce! Her sister beyonce has a ugly prideful vain spirit! This is natural,much more pure!!
Suyanne Janga u can say that again,even I need God!(give me Jesus in the morning)
A relaxer is a style, just like when white women perm their hair to make it curly. .. black woman always cuttin each other down. If and when I decide to go natural is my business. My hair is relaxed, healthy and still growing. Just because im relaxed doesn’t mean I’m conforming to anything… thank u. #justasblackasyou #onlyimdarker
I love solanges hair & natural styles..I’m so glad Solange pointed out the fact that she occasionally wears extensions(weave) that are her hair type as well as braids. I’ve debated with a few ignorant people about this(lol)! “Almost Anyone” can grow hair no matter what they think, but people are also quick to swear someone doesn’t wear weave, especially a celebrity as well as authors who post pics(please)! I don’t ride peoples coat tail just because, I go with the facts & truths & that’s enough! Now, Solange is one of the many who has personally confirmed that she does wear extensions on breaks. Many others still haven’t & never will. It’s nothing to be ashamed about. Many people who wear weave hair is much longer than the weave itself! I know Every Black Woman is the most beautiful Queen on Earth & should be proud as well for life. For no matter how they choose to wear their hair, they are still a Queen, first!
I don’t blame her for not wanting to spend all that money on those weaves when she’s got it going on naturally.
I love her hair and I’m glad she’s not hung up on length, curl types, definition and products. She is a true natural inspiration.
Nappy is natural! Women love yourself! Not products that change your afro into a curl .
Actually, this is an old pic of her, her hair is actually longer than this now lol
she is beautiful…love her!
What you dislike about her hair is what you dislike in yourself. She is beautiful her hair is beautiful and she doesn’t need a weave to feel like a woman. Stop the negative comments,
i think some moisturizer would help or a leave in conditioner and detangle AT LEAST
So proud of her rocking her natural hair and being surrounded in the glitz and glamour of show biz. Kinky hair not being the norm of acceptability in Hollywood.
Natural is the best but she could’ve at least combed it or permed it because this aint that pleasing to see
She is gorgeous and look better than Beyonce to me.
She look like blue ivy from the back …..
Omgg she looks like blue yvy o_ o
This looks nice on men.