The more elaborate the styles, the more attention grabbing, the more creative the better. This tradition was somewhat stifled by laws that saw our ancestors being rendered bald and ordered to wear head coverings.
It is also hypocritical because there are beauty trends and styles originated within our circles that were labeled ghetto, yet when Caucasians make it main stream it’s no longer ghetto but chic and trendy.
Remember how Ri-ri got flack from the black community for wearing a doobie wrap to an awards show? Yeah like that, or like the Bantu knots now being called mini bums and credited to Marc Jacobs. I remember a time when putting in even a streak of color or wearing braids of certain lengths was considered ghetto.
Isn’t it funny how the colors purple, pink and green are must-have colors for this summer; how ombre and balayage are hit trends and waist length braids are the bomb?Not just that but now you can get your whole head dyed in one of the vivid colors and you’ll be the envy of women across the globe.
I remember coming across a sista in a YouTube tutorial replicating a Mickey Mouse hair bow and she was hammered; called a hoodrat for trying to do something different. On the flipside Lady Gaga did a slightly bigger bow and she was lauded and said to have started the trend of the Gaga bow. I’d say that is hypocrisy at its finest.
So what if someone wants to break the mold and do something different instead of waiting for someone to come up with something that turns out to be a uniform since everyone will be wearing it?
We don’t have to like everything that everyone does but we sure don’t need to be mean about it either. Saying a hairstyle is ghetto seems to add the connotation that the person wearing it must be a streetwalker or some type of loose, loud foul mouthed woman.
Those hairsstyles dubbed as “ghetto” may just be a spark of dormant creativity passed down from our ancestors. What if they turn out to be the inspiration for the next hot trend?
And so what if the styles are ghetto? It seems to me that people from the ghetto are often resilient and must be innovative since they have little choice but to use the little resources available to them, so I choose rather to see some styles as art.
Granted, it may be abstract art at times but the point is you don’t necessarily have to understand it, just let it be. If the wearer of the hairstyle is confident and comfortable enough to rock something that you wouldn’t be caught dead in, leave them be. The sooner we do this the less the discord among us will be.
People love to cite personal choice when it suits them, so how about recognizing someone else’s personal preference? If all else fails, do as your mama taught you: “If you can’t find anything good to say, say nothing at all.”
Erica Ransom says
Idk about “ghetto”, but there is a time and place for certain colorful hair styles, particularly when working at someone else’s company.
Althea Patterson says
What makes a hairstyle ghetto? Trustafarians young WASPs working at Elle/Vogue/Vanity Fair who dictate when black hair can look acceptable on young white girls.
Smile Seven says
Flatline @ farewell
Aaliyah Ingram-Jones says
Hair is art. A style might not be for everybody but why label it as ghetto? Labeling is the issue. Let people just express themselves. Who does it hurt?
Ashley Blue says
I so agree
Jamila Kelly says
That being said why is there a #teamnatural ?
In fact why is hair such a thing in the black community that it actually segregates us within us?
These are the important questions !
Jacob Bello says
who said we are talking about black people, we are talking about ghetto
Tajmah Jessika says
Why is the label negative?
Sandra Haynie says
Make believe baby hair
Lucia Yassin says
Lmao! @ make believe baby hair
Ashley Blue says
Nothing. All I see is creativity that I may not wear but still
Latoya Aaliyah Small says
Stereotype….that’s what people live by. Be yourself don’t care what people think.
Ricketta Savage says
Nothing all cultures are different.
Marcelle Y. Davis says
Well said!
Jabez Figueroa says
People crazy minds
Vedejah Scroggins says
I think it’s the person who makes something Ghetto like having colored hair isn’t ghetto but when you as a person behave in a ghetto fashion lol then your hair represents ghetto I mean you can have a regular cut and style dress nice and pretty but if you behave ghetto some women are put together but their attitudes and nonsensical actions make them ghetto ghetto to me is an attitude and actions
Aimee Kiener says
I don’t know where your from but here you dont see anybody with bright crazy colored hair sitting in a corporate position. Double standards I Dont think so. Idealism of professionalism and an appropriate image for the company Is what they’re looking at.
In conclusion people should wear their hair the way they choose to judgement free I don’t believe its ghetto. Hair is art and everyone has a different way of expressing it.
Artra Veal says
Hair styles aren’t ghetto, unprofessional or not for a particular workplace because a particular workplace may not want certain colors or certain hairstyles and they have to let it be made known when you apply for the job. If you work in a creative environment, your hair isn’t a factor. Ghetto is a person’s wrong actions. Their hair has nothing to do with it.
Nicky Moody says
Nothing, just other blk folks calling it ghetto… Smh
Cb Sampson says
Tonya Lewis says
Women wearing weave until its matted to death! #Tacky
June Wilson-Moore says
Ignorance makes a hairstyle ghetto, hairstyles should be your own…no matter where you come from or where you live.
Catie d. says
*doobie wrap
Jasmine Lovett says
This is Robert Patterson girlfriend.
Michelle Francina Thomas says
How can one be ghetto though? I thought a ghetto was a city with a slum area, occipital by a minority group of people? Smh..
Tanya Hasmovedon Betton says
I do believe people’s actions, things they where and some hairstyles can be ghetto.
Phoebe Cofield says
Ghetto is the WRONG word here! Ghetto simply means a group confined to a geographical area, usually lower median income.
Anna Ogonji Smith says
Hair can not be ghetto! You can try to label someone as acting like they’re from the ghetto, but hair is just hair period.
Torkwase Burts says
Black culture = ghetto bc it’s outside the “norm”
Wendy Jean-Louis says
From my observations, anything that white people font understand and worn by black people. But yet again, we see it decides classified as cool on the runway.
Chandra Houston says
Hairstyles can’t be ghetto. Please look up the definition before you use it out of context. SMH
Pamela Smith says
I think what makes it ghetto is the attitude you have while wearing that certain style. All that flipping of the bangs or braids, getting it out of your eyes and face when you purposely styled the hair to be in your face is stupid. We have a tendency to listen and believe what everyone says about our hair when they don’t even sport the style themselves. These magazine writers haven’t a clue what is or isn’t ghetto. Their ideas or opinions don’t mean a damn thing in our world and the sooner we start believing it the better. Why do we let people that don’t know anything about our culture, assume they know so much about our style or our way of thinking and being.
Tammie Faulkner Taylor says
The attitude and actions of the person wearing it.
Courtney Gray says
Rotten edges
Cheyenne X Revfrolutionist says
When your natural hair don’t blend in with bought hair.
Rachael Kay says
Responding to the part when the definition is presented of “ghetto” and how does it compare to a hairstyle.. It’s a perfect comparison when you simply state both are just “bad” as in every word of the definition .
Lala Butters says
It being on a black person (sarcastically speaking)
DeeDee Wheat says
You shouldn’t be able to dictate what makes a hairstyle ghetto! Though I’ve had people comment negatively about my protective hairstyles. Different is a beautiful thing and that’s how I would like to be defined….different because I enjoy my different!
Shannon Hertz says
It’s funny cause the term ghetto referred to where impoverished white families in England lived.
Adara Hadara says
This one is beautiful looks 1950’s
Elle Amsi says
when it’s extra and forced like heavy jelled down baby hair
Taira Reed says
FKA Twigs baby hairs are ALWAYS on point….love that girl❤❤❤
Brie Mariyah says
Fka !
Sherry VanHorn says
If you can’t wear it in a professional environment aka … work….lol
Tori CountryGhetto Wedlow says
When yu got Skittles, laffy taffy, nd starbursts hangin down…
Cheryl A. Duffy says
First it needs to be explained what the word “ghetto” means. I don’t use this word, don’t like and it’s a poor choice of words to use.
Jasmine Jackson says
If a black or Hispanic person wears it. Once it hits the runway or seen on a non-black/ Hispanic woman it’s creative and new. Same as with body shape and facial features. Smh.
Hair Artist says
A pick in it
Ashley Sy says
You mean, WHO makes it ghetto
Lace Gee says
it doesn’t matter because all it takes is for a white famous girl or women to do it and its main stream
Debora Walker says
Apparently someone’s ignorant opinion.
Janeen Brown says
Yes, because we say it’s ghetto, white America will turn it around, and advertise and promote it as the latest Marc Jacobs style, call it chic, cultured, and in the know …
Christine Kawase says
White media until a popular white figure (superstar) wears it, then it’s Colombused, renamed & cute.
See braids, plopping for curls which is really just wrapping your hair, etc
Kyra Gibson says
Forcing baby hairs that aren’t there….that’s very ghetto.
Smile Seven says
I used to do the squiggly sideburn lines and put fake stones at the end – in the 90s tho lol
Ntombozuko Makeleni says
Watch old Ricki Lake Show, your question will be answered. :-p
Toyla Thomas says
A hard pineapple wave with old torn off liquor labels in it.
Lee says
Teach, Sister Marsha, teach!
Ghetto is indeed a housing settlement that cordons off a group of people from other
people, usually by govt edit; i.e., gov’t housing projects. It is a place, it can never be a person, an attitude nor a style. Another word used out of context and in a derogative manner is the word ‘hood’. ‘Hood’ is simply the abbrevation for the word ‘neighborhood’. We need to take stock and ask ourselves why we are so quick to label and tear down, instead of raising up, that which is a part of us –our words, our places and our people, in such a negative light.
Jackie Berry says
THESE do. It is a STYLE thing. If you don’t know how to wear your hair….go to a LICENSED STYLIST. Stop being the JOKE of the DAY! But these styles…..UHM….NO
Shaquanna Clark says
Grown women with baby hair!!! No they’re beady beads that have been gelled down.
Jamila Kelly says
soooo what are edges if not just “baby hairs”?? Don’t black women usually use not having edges as an insult first?
Shawnetta Jones says
I have natural baby hair. There is no pulling them back unless I gel them down into ta style or shave them off which wont be happening to appease anothers idea of what my grown looks like. They are fine and I don’t slick them down and accentuate them but still they’re there and we don’t all have beady beads tightly rolled hairline hair either.
Precious Williams Massey says
Not combing your hair, I don’t think that a certain style can be labeled as ghetto. It’s what that person want and like! Stop with the bulls**t!
Genora Kim Lyles says
The ones that’s judging them!
Nao Mie says
The attitude attached to the hairstyle
Lee Dee Fee says
Too much s**t going on. 5 different colors, finger waves, corn rows and twist.
LeAnn Perry says
Baby hairs that take on a life of their own.
Karla Foltz says
Great article.
Latoya Ky says
Yeah a great article that clearly NO ONE READ smh
Sandy Lou says
It’s too much. She’s overdoing it. I would say it’s ghetto.
Shawnetta Jones says
The mouth it’s attached to. Many styles are good til she starts talking and remove doubt about its class.
Tiffani Nicole says
People just love using that word. If it’s anything different from the ‘norm’ it’s ghetto or ratchet smh.
Valerie Thomas says
I agree..people are quick to call something ghetto when only certain types of black people do it, then you see it on vogue or the Kardashians and it’s the newest craze…I hate the world sometimes. example how now its cool to have long nails full of designs and diamonds..when I was in school everybody said that was a straight ghetto….????
Linda Jones says
I feel offended everytime someone says That’s Ghetto… There’s so much negativity in our race towards each other I just SMH. Instead using the word GHETTO to degrade our people how bout making it inspirational…
Latasha Marie Burt Saunders says
Nothing to eaches own
Vanessa Turner says
I was taught that “ghetto” was misused. Like wearing an evening gown to a bowling alley. That was in the ’60s; in these days I don’t think anything can be “ghetto”.
RejuvenatedJoretta Hill says
I would have to say whether Caucasian or African American….the flamboyant colors in a professional setting …. pink , green, purple etc …. basically going overboard with too much hair colors
Torisha Kelly says
I had those styles back in the 90`s.
Suber Benita says
haute couture in black community without billions USD like Harper’s, Dior etc…?
Lauryn Donalds says
By saying “IT’S GHETTO” !
Msb Brookes says
It depends on the person wearing it everything is not for everybody n I don’t care what color you are
Doris Babay Hines says
My definition of ghetto when it comes to hairstyles is….when everyone on the hood is wearing that same style. Lol.
Natasha Thomas says
I don’t judge anyone on how they choose to wear their hair. If it makes you feel happy and beautiful and you paid your hard earned money on it, great! We need to stop bringing each other down for being different, at the end of the day, it’s your hair.
Shaunda T. Whitlock Randall says
Folk from the “Ghetto ” are truly trend setters
Marketta L Simpson says
Over gelling, old weave, dry damaged ends, “un-natural colors in my opinion. It depends on your job. If you work in a white collar environment get a “michelle obama special”. Her hair was classy and professional but not boring
Michaela Janae says
It truly depends on what’s accepted by your employer too. I have a white collar job and I have red hair, I see every color of the rainbow up at my job..
Marketta L Simpson says
I agree…i work on a very white male domimated industry. I tell my kids to lean toward conservative if you want to be taken seriously and promoted to top positions. It noe CEO of the company after 22 years BUT i had to conduct myself appropriately to win the trust of the board of directors.
Eboni Taylor says
I have a white collar job but I have had every color under the sun. I really think it just depends on the shade and maintenance. My bosses’ favorite color was my forest green. Their next was my purple.
King Nix says
Classy and professional was defined by people who are not people of colour. For example, according to your culture my natural hair is unprofessional. In my country it is not because it’s our hair as God intended. I currently have black and purple braids and I work in corporate. The colour of a person’s hair doesn’t enhance or hinder their abilities so I personally don’t see why it’s a problem.
Adrian Barden says
No such thing. We are just creative with our hair because we can do that!
Jamila Kelly says
I’m so confused on the baby hair commentes because i always assumed “baby hair” was just another phrase for edges???? Aren’t edges good?
Dee Robinson says
I am too. 1st not having edges is bad now having them gelled down is ghetto. I mean be forreal
Gladiola Ricola says
No two diff things. Baby hair is a much finer and straighter texture and doesn’t grow long. Edges is just your hairline. It includes baby hair if you have it
Michaela Janae says
Yes edges are a great thing
Jamila Kelly says
so if edges can have baby hairs…in this case, isn’t everyone hating on the edges ??
Michaela Janae says
Ppl just don’t like them styled in that way lol..
Jamila Kelly says
That’s fair, but i guess its not much an insult though because hey…at least they have their edges 😛 regardless of how its styled lol more than most can say.
Dinah Briggs says
No hairstyle is ghetto!
Cris Evers says
Real tawk tho…
Sometimes, not all, but some..of my Sistas doooo be doing “theee most” with their hairdos… Maybe not “Ghetto” but “Artistically Creative”…ijs
Saundra Robinson says
I can’t take the multiple yarn look. .
Sharii Russell says
Brittney Holland says
Some styles just look cheap. If you don’t know what I’m talking about then I can’t help you.
Erica Kelly says
Being real extra with the style is ghetto.
Raven Smith says
Nappy hair & silky straight ponytail
Arlene LookingGlass says
Ppl ppl, hair styles are a former of artistic, whether weave, braids jell, fry dye or later to the side love em all
Valerie Simms says
Guess what….??? We are the only Race to do the hairstyles that get everything
Melody Wagner says
It’s just styles and a form of art but everything we do has to be a form of negative until mainstream gets its hands on it then it’s popular
Erra Johnson says
I once read about women in history, maybe Egypt… Who tied iridescent scarab beetles to their hair for decoration… With that being said, I respect the creativity… So if you wanna do the most with your hair, and it makes you happy… Do it. I’ll never call you ghetto.
Lonique Renee Brooklyn Ryan says
too much of unnecessary on one head
Karen Mills says
The character of the wearer. The style/image on the person isn’t formed by itself.
Ashly Miller says
The person
Stacia Weatherford says
Quality and attention to detail is what separate hairstyles from being ghetto. No tracks should be seen, hair shouldn’t look fried or like a helmet tbh.
Jala Starchild says
Too much color and gel
Eboni Taylor says
When your hair stops looking like actual hair…it is ghetto. You have people with soft curls, neat braids, beautiful sew ins, flawless wigs and waves that look great no matter the color. Then you have people with visible tracks, too much jam, too many decorations, and seriously bad wigs that have not been maintained…to me, that is ghetto.
Andrea Simpson-Jones says
Nothing is “ghetto,” just not made for all settings.
Shawn Stephen says
Gel /raggedy ends
Tamya Short says
Using a whole bottle of gel lol!!
Pep Hamilton says
Hair is Art.
Tianedra Bea Little says
Black women can never just be…. we get so much crap from other people including from OUR OWN PEOPLE its like nobody wants you to do anything but get a weave and be quiet. But i learned to stop policing other black women even myself if i find something unattractive i say so but dont label it ghetto i refuse to knock a black women down just so becky can come gallavant off with our shyt and be praised for it and im ashamed of some of you black women in these comments most of yall spewing the word ghetto have relaxers trying your hardest to assimilate smdh
Margaret Graham says
Very good article with valid points.
Arlene Delice says
If it’s on a dark person, it’s usually deemed ghetto, dreads, tattoos, own style of dressing, yet on whites: they know who they are, they’re artistic, not followers etc..
Tanya Reed says
One that looks like shiny plastic.
Tamberlynn S Hawkins says
At the end of the day, a person has the right to wear their hair anyway they desire…not matter how ridiculous or “ghetto” we may think they look!
Tiffany Elston says
The attitude
Zanatra Doret says
The person wearing it. The way that person carries themselves. Would make the most expensive garb look ghetto.
Asya Nicole Crudup Stokes says
Both of these pictures
Brixton Shelise says
When it’s labeled that way. Why can we express ourselves without ridicule
Trina Mcgee says
Well it’s fixed and it’s not all over her head.
Shirley Rhodes says
Sorry !! Lol. Out of style.
Lena Killion says
The person wearing it… and the style itself
Andrea says
Well having been to Europe I can tell you a predominantly Jewish neighborhood is not only the original meaning of ghetto but it’s still used that way. That said why should I care how someone wears their hair? In theUS people tend not to wear wraps as a style but my friends from the Caribbean tell me it’s common there and that is where RIRi is from so maybe you should have pointed that out. Riri called her Bantu knots “ghetto” and people from the islands don’t wear Bantu knots or chin eyes bumps outside the house.
Pamela Wilder says
When it’s Not Real! 😮
Darlene Sims says
Whose wearing it…are they a celebrity or not
Silly junk like that
Tamika Massey says
Finger waves. Not ghetto how about lace front wigs GHETTO
Brandi says
Brand names, zippers, using Sprite, airhead or koolaid logos, styles that use an entire tub of brown gel, adding money, holiday themes and or colors. All of these make a hairstyle ghetto.