Can I call this hair cutting thing “a trend” yet? You know how we do it right? Two people do something and all of a sudden it’s a trend! Well call it what you want, but for me it’s a trend or maybe the five year itch is a better term.
Despite the semantics of what to actually call it, doing a second big chop all over again after four or five years seems to be pretty popular this season. I have a few reasons that I think this has become such a thing, and why we might at some point actually desire to get rid of our length, donate the hair and live the simple life.
Have I thought about it? Hell Hec yes – for me its been four years going on five. I do not count anymore because natural hair is an ingrained part of my life, so keeping track is not a priority for me. However, I did get the same itch kind of around the same time that these ladies are getting theirs.
We told you about African Export in this post. Her priorities changed, so she made the decision to cut her hair. African Export has changed her hair before, and for her cutting again probably was not a big deal.
This time Nikki Mae caught my attention because the “Natural Chica” wanted a change. After working so hard on her PHD, she just had the desire to do something “major” – as she called it – to her hair. She booked her appointment and filmed the whole thing, which you can watch below for yourself. But what makes a girl cut all her hair off after 5 years of effort and growth?
There are a ton of reasons, many of which I have mentioned before: boredom, life changes, health reasons, new goals, and sometimes it can be just plain fun.
To be honest, Nikki has been pretty lucky where reactions are concerned. When we took a look at her social media outlets, for the most part, the responses have been pretty positive. Many giving a ton of love saying her new color ‘fits her skin’, that her cut was ‘amazing’ and that her donation was pretty brave and selfless.
The truth is you can’t be mad at Nikki Mae; she is the queen of all things positive and is a pretty nice person, but I do have my own thoughts on the cut which I don’t mind sharing.
Here is thing about cutting your hair: it’s exciting – I get it. I get excited thinking about it, and I give imaginary high fives to all the girls that have become one with the scissors recently. But what happens when you are over the short hair?
Oh I love natural hair. It comes with so much freedom. You can cut it and then grow it again. I love it on her and I bet hers will grow past mine once again. It will grow back. Maybe she just wanted a change. <3
I think they cut it, so they can stay relevant in YT. Newly naturals can relate to them more if their hair also short .
I think this is a big part of it…
I like the new cut!! Change is always good. Sometimes you are just tired of the same ole look and want to jazz it up a bit.
All those years of harrrrrddd work lol…just to cut it off…I couldnt do it
Idk waste of 5years of growth.
I think short hair is harder to pull off than long hair. If you’re a woman who can pull off short hair koodos to you! For me it means you have a true underlying beauty. The cut looks great and she looks even greater!
I like it. It really suits her face, very pretty!
Nice cut!
It’s her hair she can do what she wants to it.
Get over it-longhairsdontcare people!
I’m so over this. Who the hell cares??? It’s clear that everyone with natural hair doesn’t have the same goal. For some people, its for fashion, for some it’s a statement, for some it’s about health, and for some it’s about taking a STAND against the prejudice, racism & saying TO HELL WITH THE EUROPEAN STANDARDS OF BEAUTY. Whatever your reasons are, that’s your damn business! Clearly, these black women chopping off their long, woolly hair is just going through a faze, it’s the next fashion statement………NEXT!
^^^Girl please….
Not my scalp, not my business! She is cute both ways!
I love it. I plan to big chop again and I’m going to keep it short. I have had long hair most of my permed life and I’m over it.
like how people are saying it’s not our business when she is the one clearly putting it out there and making it our business. That’s what she wants. .. shouldn’t we oblige?
I wish all the natural YouTube girls would get their own style. Everyone on YouTube has the same cut, just like the purple hair.
She looks great! I love the cut!
I have to agree with Malakah Angellia Gladston. It’s a trend. Ive been natural all my life n I know if I get tired of the maintenance that comes with being natural. Newbies will too! I can’t wait for fall so I can press this hair!
Cute cut
The cut fits her; I like it. Kudoes to her earning her PhD
Why do we care
I bet it was the color damage. Taren did it also.
Why so much negativity. The girl decided to cut off her hair and donate it to an organization that helps others that had to deal with a terrible decease. Whether you care about her big chop or not, or her hair was color damaged or not, it doesn’t matter. The underlying message is beautiful. And we all should applaud that. Also the fact that she makes it clear that hair doesn’t define a person. Nothing wrong with growing hair but some naturals seem to focus so much on growing hair that is refreshing that she is showing us that it’s not all about the length of you’re hair!!!
I love Mae’s hair; the cut and color are awesome on her. I don’t understand why people are negative about what others decide to do their hair.
I don’t wouldn’t consider what Mae did a ‘big chop’, it’s just a hair cut and she happen to cut off a lot of hair. It’s not like she got rid of chemically processed ends to reveal her natural hair texture.
I wore locks for almost 4 years and one day I cut them off. Why? Because I got tired of dealing with the locks and I wanted a change. Maybe that’s why these ladies are getting hair cuts; easier maintenance.
Either way, it is just hair and hair does grow. These women have shown and proven that black women can grow long hair. It is a wonderful thing to have the option of growing and cutting our hair whenever we feel like it.
Take care,
P.S. I really like your writing style!
OMG. I been following Nikki on YT and even after 5 yrs of growing out her hair, we all have to remember its her hair and she can as she wish with it. she still looks beautiful either way.