4. @BerryCurly
Follow Berry Curly if you want all curly hair, all the time. They feature women, children, and natural hair brands all day, everyday.
With Health Comes Length
4. @BerryCurly
Follow Berry Curly if you want all curly hair, all the time. They feature women, children, and natural hair brands all day, everyday.
Hi! My name is Victoria Sallie and I'm a twenty something year old blogger & student living in NYC. I began my transitioning natural hair journey in January 2013, and big chopped in April 2014. I decided to start writing because I wanted to document my hair journey, plus I realized that I couldn't find all the information I needed in ONE place on the internet. Deciding to return back to my natural hair was one of the best choices that I've ever made, and I'm glad to help anyone that has a question. Happy Hair Journey!
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Filed Under: LIST POSTS Tagged With: follow on Instagrams, Instagrams, Natural hair instagrams
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