Oscar winner Octavia Spencer on the night she received her Oscar, Kerry Washington as Broomhilda Von Schaft on the set of Django Unchained, Emma Stone as Skeeter on the set of The Help, Jennifer Hudson on the set of Dream Girls, are just four of the few people who have been styled by celebrity and film stylist Camille Friend. We caught up with the beautiful and talented Camille a while back and could not wait to share her interview with you all.
If you think back to your favorite character and consider what it must take to bring them to life, you cant help but admire her craft. Camille is a black woman in a very special position, she has worked with the best of the best in film from the somewhat eccentric Quentin Tarantino to Academy award winner Bill Condon. Camille is very well rounded, she is educated and experienced in all aspects of the salon industry having owned a salon herself in Los Angeles California.
My personal take away from this interview is that we should never take the work of the women and men behind the scenes for granted, they are a direct link to everything that film is trying to create for you as you experience it. Ok that is enough of my Jibber Jabber let me allow you to see a snippet of what Camille had to say about her career, hair and all things film.
Camille, we had a chance to look at your extensive resume, and we are too impressed for words, how did you get started in your career as a film and television hair stylist?
I started in music videos and that lead me to film. I am always looking for something new, or old. I like reading, going to museums and do research on random studies.
Our motto is, with health comes length, what tricks do you have for the healthiest hair?
Healthy hair starts from inside of your body, I believe in vitamins*, herbs, a great diet and of course alkaline water.
Camille we follow a ton of our favorite celebs on Instagram, and one of the most popular things we notice are selfies from women showing off healthy natural hair. How easy is it for our busiest Celeb to maintain healthy tresses?
Honestly, I think it is really hard for celebs to keep healthy hair. In my practice I offer conditioning treatments and maintenance for all my clients.
Look forward to the great tips! That’s for the download as well!