We feature a lot of corn row based extension styles on the blog and also on social media. For one cornrows have been around since ‘daddy was a boy’ and they are perfect for the woman or mommy who does not want her hair or her daughter’s hair manipulated throughout the week.
Back in the day your mom would sit you between her legs and do your corn rows every Saturday so that you could look fresh and so clean for church and school the next week.
These days we do the same thing but we also see them as a great way to really protect our hair allowing it to flourish untouched.
Afro textured hair does best when left alone; you take care of the scalp, detangle once, and put it away until the next style especially if you are trying to grow it out.
When your TWA gets to a certain length we like the idea of protecting it with cornrows sometimes, which gives you a break from daily styling and you can keep retaining length as well.
The below video is from YouTuber Lovingmenaturally, and what I loved about it, is that it was a basic corn row style but she took special care by installing ‘singles’ to her nape area so that the tension is low there. Singles can be braids or twists just depends on what is easier for you but the idea is to eliminate tension and tension bumps that are common at the nape.
Basic corn rows are perfect for those of us with a TWA who just want to put our hair in a style, forget about it for a week or two or even keep it neat so that it can fit nicely under a wig* for awhile.
The key is to not forget about the basics of styling, those things mommy used to do back in the day are still beneficial to us now. Of course by all the corn row styles we post daily, you know that already!
Check out Lovingmenatural as she demonstrates how to do basic corn rows with singles for her lovely TWA:
Stew Pendous says
Maybell Lena Killion says
Lmao!!! They are but you might look like a dude sometimes or like an inmate.
Stew Pendous says
lol! Exactly. When I had my twa I was mistaken for a dude if I didn’t have on dangling earrings and makeup. I can’t imagine how much worse it would have been if I had cornrows with no hang time
Pattie Armstead says
Maybell you took the words right out of my mouth.
I was thinking I couldn’t wear that-I don’t want to look like a inmate. Lol!
Dishauna Kirksey says
Underneath a wig yes, but as a hairstyle?… negative
Raynisha Renee Jackson says
What’s a TWA? I’m confused
Daphne Dantzler says
Teeny Weeny Afro
Raynisha Renee Jackson says
Oh ok thanks
Jamie Carter-Bailey says
Rocking those trick daddy braids
Britney Irving says
I actually laughed out loud LOL
Jamie Carter-Bailey says
Yazmyne Bright says
Eww I would never
Yolanda Hill says
Ewwwe. .. WTF is wrong with the scafe?
Shana Smith says
What if I don’t want to look like a prison inmate?
Leah James says
I actually wear this is a style and girls and guys think I look cute . It does not make you look like a guy you have to work with it . Only person who thinks I look like a guy is my mom and maybe a few others who hate the cornrow style . Anyway I don’t have a twa anymore it’s medium length so my cornrows are to my shoulders now and it keeps growing . Love it still pull cute guys with this style . Maybe it just doesn’t look cute on you girls in the comment section .
Kirlisha S Brooks says
Natasha Payne says