I’m not much of a fan of celebrity gossip, who’s dating whom or what those real housewives are up to but you would have to have been living under a rock for the last few years not to know of Wendy Williams and her sometimes controversial show.
We’ve always known of Wendy Williams as the wig wearing diva she is but in fact it’s only recently that she felt comfortable enough to talk about the wigs (her ‘girls’) and the fact that she wears one every single day.
15 years ago she was diagnosed with a thyroid condition that made her own hair very thin. She says that even though her hair is long, because of it’s lack of volume she doesn’t feel able to do anything with it, hence the wigs.
My own mother also started suffering from thinning hair after 40 so I totally understand why she prefers to rock wigs instead of messing with weaves which would certainly only make a thinning problem worse.
She did indeed start out life with a full head of thick natural hair as this picture that’s made it’s rounds around the internet shows.
After having worn wigs* for such a long time the entertainer has proclaimed that she ‘has a a PhD in wigology’, a claim that not too many of us would argue with so it’s only natural that she’s finally making her mark on the wig* industry by releasing her own line.
The line is due to launch in September starting with two online retailers EspeciallyYours.com and Wigs.com. It will include 40 styles ranging in price from 50 bucks to $799. Apparently she’s even included something for us natural girls which is great to hear!
In the below ‘after show’ video from her YouTube channel she talks more about her wigs* and gives us a sneak peek at her collection as she attended a press event to mark the launch of her line.
I’m not much of a lace wig girl myself preferring something that shows a bit of my own hairline when I do decide to wear a protective style but for you lace wig* enthusiasts, and I know that you are out there, I’m sure that you will be loving her line when it finally comes out. Good for her, I’m always glad to see a sister make it!
If you watched the video, can I just say that the guy doing her make up is an absolute artist! When he was finished she looked flawless but is that really how long it takes to do full face make up? I’ll stick with a bit of powder and touch of lippy thanks!