BHI turned 5 this year and it’s been an incredible ride with ups, downs and plenty of sideways in our reach and growth. One thing that constantly still surprises me to this day is the number of times we get the “What product do you use for hair growth” question. We get so many variations of this, it’s not even funny any more.
Here’s a sample from just this week:
“Interested in your products, where can I find them?”
“What product do I use to get long hair”
“Which pills are better Hairfinity* or Ethnic hair growth”
“Where do I buy your hair growth product?”
“How do I purchase some of this stuff too grow my hair?”
I would be willing to bet that it’s the same story across most other black hair blogs and vloggers channels. Everyone’s looking for a ‘miracle’ product that will have their hair shooting out of their scalps overnight without them having to do much work.
But if you’ve been in the hair world for any length of time you will know that hair growth and length retention has very little to do with the products that you use. Trying and find a common product, a common hair type, or a common technique among women who’ve grown their hair long would be a huge waste of time.
Ladies have grown it long with slow hair growth and super fast growth, with silicones and without, with sulfates and without, with hair growth pills and without, natural and relaxed, with fancy techniques and without. Are you starting to see a theme here? There isn’t one!
It is this very lack of consistency that proves that your own personal hair regimen is the best and only reliable way to grow your hair long. This regimen depends a lot on how you decide to implement it, how how much time and effort you put into learning your own hair and most importantly: how you adjust things when you do not get the results that you are looking for.
I’m sure you don’t need me to remind you that the health of your hair comes first and without health, it is unlikely that you will get any length to speak of. With that said, YouTuber SimplyYounique shares with us her tips on how she grew her hair.
She was the person on YouTube who was my biggest inspiration for healthy growth and styling natural hair.
Yeah right
How do u know which vitamins are good for your hair type?
Vitamins aren’t based on hair type but there are vitamins that are made/targeted for hair growth based upon what they consist of.
Do you need to see a doctor to prescribe vitamins for your hair? And how do you which one to use?
I love her!
My hair just grew like that in 10 minutes.
She was the person I watched most
I wish I could find a product that will grow my hair naturally. Let me know how I can get started if it works.
She was my inspiration too for natural healthy hair…
SimplYounique from YouTube! Love her. Miss her vids! ๐
She’s from YouTube. Does anyone know if She’s back on ? she was my favorite
No, she hasn’t. I’ve been waiting for her to upload her 4yr length check. I hope she’s okay.
She’s here on Facebook
I love her..I get a lot off her youtube page…
So u just order hair vatimans for growth?
You ain’t lying, you got to know your hair type. I finally learn about my texture of hair and what it needs. My hair gets dry easily, so I need so I have to moisturize it twice a day. It grows slow with out braids, but it grows fast with braids, so that means that I need to leave it alone. I also stated doing the LOC method in which my products are Black Castor Oil, EMU Oil and Shea Moisturizing products. Since I did the big chop, I now do weekly cowashes and I steam my hair. It’s growing like crazy. I don’t like my hair short, so I’m trying to let it grow out just so I can put my braids back in.
Love Simply Younique!
I miss SimplYounique so much!!! Where has she been?!
Thanks for sharing
SimplYounuque! Love her videos it’s been a while though.
Anybody know where she is?!
The Real Person!
It’s been a while actually, even her instagram page hasn’t been updated for a long minute….
I know, I pray sh’es ok
She hasn’t posted on FB since Aprl
Woah omg what did you do and how long did it take?
I love her! Her hair is just georgous.
Biotin vitamins Hair, nails, skin
Watched Kerry for years.. .even before going natural. I really hope she is OK. She got married and moved here to Texas around the same time she stopped making videos.
Beautiful I can’t wait until my hair gets that long.
hello thanks alot for this video am starting to grow my natrual hair. please can send me all the hair products that you sed on this viedo please. thank a lot. helen ๐
The Real Person!
Thanks Helen but we don’t sell hair products!