Starting a new job can have it’s own struggles. There is getting to know the culture of your workplace, learning names, and just finding your niche. However, as a natural girl, I feel that there is an extra layer, because I always interview with straight hair.
My boss or coworkers have never seen me with my full on natural fro or any type of natural style for that matter. At my current job, there are a few black women there, and one of whom is natural, and she rocks her TWA. I still don’t feel comfortable rocking my natural at work, simply because throwing on my wig* in the morning is a lot easier, and the Houston humidity isn’t friendly.
However, on the weekends, since I have more time to get ready, I tend to rock my natural hair whenever I’m running errands or meeting up with friends. One Saturday when I was out with my girl catching up on the latest gossip, and just unwinding at a local rooftop bar, I ran into one of my black coworkers. She had to give me a double take because she said she didn’t recognize me at first with a curly fro.
She also complimented my hair, and said that I should wear that style to work. Monday morning rolled around, and after being outside all weekend, the humidity had a field day with my curls, so I ended up throwing on a wig*, per usual. As soon as my coworker saw me she gave me a quizzical look.
Later that day in the cafeteria I saw her again, and that time she flat out ignored me! At the end of the day we were both walking to the parking lot together, and I cornered her and asked her what was up with her. She told me that she was disappointed in me and felt that I was a sell out because I didn’t rock my natural hair.
I really couldn’t believe that we were really having that conversation! Or, the fact that she was dead serious. I politely told her that how I chose to wear my hair is my business, not hers, and if she has a problem with it, then oh well.
To this day when we see each other, we act as if we are strangers. It’s sad that she feels that I am a “sell out” when I really just don’t have the time or energy to fight with my fro every morning!