Want long healthy relaxed or natural hair but don’t know how to get it?
Want long healthy relaxed or natural hair but don’t know how to get it? Have you been growing you hair for years but seen no extra length?
There is no great secret to growing black hair long yet not many have the tresses they desire. Most people’s hair grows at the same average rate regardless of race yet black women’s hair seems to stop growing at about nape to shoulder length. Why? It’s not that the hair has stopped growing, otherwise we wouldn’t need to get relaxer or colour touch ups right? The hair at the ends keeps on breaking off at the same rate as the hair is growing hence it never appears to increase in length.
We use harsh brushes, leave chemicals in the hair for too long (use chemical unnecessarily too) and too much heat on our hair thinking that it is tough enough to take it. If you owned a fine silk or satin scarf, would you neglect to wash it, iron* it constantly while it’s dirty on the highest heat while pulling and tugging it? Of course not! The scarf would be ruined completely.
Black people’s hair should be treated like silk. You may be surprised to learn that black curly and kinky* hair is the most fragile hair type of all in its natural state. Due to its dry nature, it tends to be brittle and breaks easily, add chemicals to the equation and length retention becomes a real challenge!
We brush our hair vigorously thinking we are doing it a service by boosting the circulation to our scalps, yet we think nothing of the tufts of hair left on the brush bristles! We drown our hair in oil or grease while it’s dry thinking we are doing it a service by moisturizing it. When was the last time you drank a glass of oil when you felt thirsty? Water is the best moisturizer yet we avoid it! Most of us have heard that washing our hair too much will cause it to dry out without once thinking that it might be the shampoo we use that is drying out our hair and not the water!
As a black person, you can stop this vicious cycle by understanding the reasons why your hair is breaking and learning how to care for it to retain length. Black hair growth is not difficult or complicated if you know how. You don’t need any fancy or expensive products or growth aids to make it happen. More than likely, you will already have what you need to get started in your bathroom. You certainly don’t need to be of mixed heritage to get the hair you desire. In fact, the information on this website while useful to any woman of colour, will be extra essential to black women with very kinky* or course natural hair.
Your hair can grow long too whether you choose to keep it natural or relax it! The information in this website is free to access. Let out a sigh of relief and get started. Once the health of your hair has been secured, the length will follow!
Learn the rules of black hair care in the free articles on this website and unleash the long locks you knew you could grow. Good luck on your journey to healthy long hair!
Read the article: A good regimen for relaxed hair
Also read: A good regimen for natural hair
anitra walker says
I have natural curly black hair I have a Problem with growth and moisture,in trying to get it to grow but it Dont and it never hold moisture. what do I do. also I dyed it black a montht ago want to promote growtht please help with. what to use. that’s not costly