Do you follow African cultural news? It is hard not to because there are so many beautiful African women making a name for themselves all over the blogs, fashion magazines, and red carpets.
Most of them are rocking bold colors reminiscent of their heritage with a modern twist, bold makeup looks, and get this… natural hair!
I recently came across and article on where the bold claim was made that women of Zimbabwe are ditching the Brazilian weave and opting to rock their natural hair like you and I.
This is huge because traditionally, and by that I mean since the onset of weaves and the ease of its accessibility, women in Africa tend to opt for a good weave neglecting their natural hair.
This is not just common in Africa generally, some women in the Caribbean have found it hard to transition from their weave addiction either and the thought of embracing their natural hair was unheard of ….until now.
These days we have seen an increase in natural hair on the islands and according to the article I read the same is happening in Zimbabwe.
What is even more unique is that most of the women who do the big chop either keep their hair very short or they opt for locs.
We cannot help but think that the influence of women like Lupita Nyongo, Alek Wek, Ataui Deng and Solange Knowles who have worn their hair short have helped perpetuate this trend.
It is more than a trend though, you know the old saying, when a woman cuts her hair it means her life will change, well life often influences hair in Africa as well. In the piece written by Phyllis Mbanje, she alluded to the trend but also mentioned how women communicate emotion through their hair.
While some will do it because it is the current tide sweeping across all fashion ramps, there are others who are making a statement through their hairstyle.
It is commonly believed that women communicate their feelings with their hair. A recently divorced woman will cut her mane as a sign of emancipation or the beginning of another chapter of her life.
I love my natural hair.
Number 1 they are already so beautiful, and number 2 their own, Hair is much prettier than putting someone else’s hair on their head.