I love a deep conditioner*. I love to slather my damp (not wet) hair in rich, creamy conditioners, and then put on a shower cap*, and relax with a cup of tea (or glass of wine) and read a book or tie my leopard print scarf around my shower cap* and run errands.
So when I was in Sally’s Beauty Supply with a 5 dollar gift card (also armed with my member discount card, whoot, whoot!), I was ecstatic to see the SE Mega Cholesterol was on SALE! Fun!
And then I read the ingredients. Water and mineral oil were the first two ingredient.
Water is great. The mineral oil*, no bueno. Now before you go jumpin’ on my back and what not, allow me to explain. It’s not that I don’t like mineral oil*. I have nothing against it. It seals very well.
For me, perhaps it seals in moisture too well. You see, whenever I use anything that has mineral oil it: lotions, makeup, hair products, I break out it that area (in the case of skin) or I get very itchy (in the case of scalp). The mineral oil clogs me up or my body just doesn’t like it. Been that way for years.
And yet I bought it anyway.
Yes, I bought it anyway, figuring that if I didn’t twist my hair, and just put it on the hair shaft and ends, no scalp involved, I could manage. So that’s what I did. And I loved it.
I didn’t mean to! but my hair was so soft, and it detangled so well, and my twist out was fab, and, and-
Then Day 3 happened. And in my household, Day 3 will go down in Infamy.
I awakened that morning, and I just knew something was off. I just knew. I walked into the bathroom to take my shower, still groggy, started the shower, took off my scarf, and Boom. Flakes. BIG FLAKES. Tiny bumps around my hair line.
I freaked out, hopped in the shower, and used my Hubby’s clarifying anti danruff shampoo, all the while using the pads of my fingers on my scalp in a circular motion.
NO SCRATCHING. Got out of the shower, sectioned my hair, and rubbed scalp AND hair with my go-to oil mix: jojoba/olive/avocado.
Sealed the ends with my Shea Butter* whip, and allowed my hair to breathe in sections. It took a few days for the itching to go away, and my next wash day had to be a bit sooner than normal, but now, 3 weeks later, Claudette (my hair) and I are recovering nicely.
I know what some of you may be thinking. “But Ash,” you say. “How do you know it was the DC?”
Well beauties, my regimen is super simple. It is pretty consistent; the only change I have had in months was the DC. And I KNOW that Mineral oil and I do not get along. The timetable was also about right. It takes about 2-3 days for me to react to mineral oil, and I did.
Sooooo, I would say that if you have an allergy to mineral oil, if you don’t like using mineral oil at all, or if you don’t like the idea of mineral oils being so prominent (#2) in the ingredients, skip this. If you don’t mind mineral oil and want a good, Creamy, Rich DC, I would definitely say give this a try. It’s great for the price.
Now, as for me, I am back to using my cheapie, 1-2 dollar bottle of regular conditioner with my jojoba/olive/avocado oil* mixed into it as a DC.
I also need to give this SE Mega Cholesterol Conditioner away to one of my friends. However, seeing how I called and freaked out to all of my friends, and that they too know all about the infamous Day 3, that may be easier said than done. Am I going to have to pitch this in the trash? *sigh*
Have you ever been excited to try a new product, only to be majorly (and in hindsight, hilariously) disappointed?
Been using this brand forever even before I went natural
Yes. Shea Moisture Curl and Style Milk is a waste of money.
Works miracles on dry hair especially out here in Arizona
I hate wasting money on new products only to find they dont work for me
Silk Elements is garbage. Does nothing for me. Proclaim is the bomb tho
Never had a problem with it I use it when Queen Helena cholesterol conditioner treatment is out of stock
How dare she go out of stock! Haha
Works fine on my hair
Love it!!!
For you is a disaster but in other hairs working very well. Bring it to store and they give you an exchange or money back with your proof of bought
people remeber different strokes for different Folks
Couldnt agree more … Just because it doesnt work for you doesnt mean it wont work for me
I read your story sounds like you left the product in your head to long “SILK ELEMENTS” has good products
I personally try to use organic products due to skin sensitive and mineral oil… I do not dig
I’ve had great results but I juice, make healthy smoothies, & take Black Curant & Biotin. My juices are carrots, apples & celery, spinach or kale. Don’t expect a conditioner to do everything. Work from internal measures also.
I had heard of the miracles of shea butter for hair so when I purchased shea moisture products I was excited. Then promptly disappointed since it dried out my hair so badly. It felt and looked like it had heat damage. I was so distraught it took my hair a week to recover. So now I only use shea on my skin.
If what you used dried your hair like you said, I will boldly tell you that is isn’t shea butter that dried your hair in the first place. get original natural shea butter and testify to its wonders on your hair and skin.
Were do u find it?
Good stuff
Protein packs are the way to go. Not cholesterol treatment s
Yeeeeeeeesss!!!! Silk elements does wonders.for my hair Ive used them.since I was little…not to mention all their products smell heavenly
Sally’s beauty supply
I love tHis stuff, but it may not work for everyone
I’ve tried silk elements and found it wasn’t for me but it works fine for other people in my family
I’m not a big fan of Silk Elements. I had a disappointing experience with Reshma Femme Henna, didn’t give me highlights at all and took days to wash out lol.
Silk Elements works wonders on my hair….I ❤️ it!!!
I never stick to one item/brand.. Soon it’ll stop doing what it does for you started with it…
It didn’t really do anything for me either.
I want to try it so bad but none of the beauty stores have it & maybe sally does but its kinda far
The cheap products work better for me than the expensive, organic products. I’ve wasted so much money when all i need is Dove Repair Shampoo & Conditioner.
I love silk elements especially the olive shampoo and conditioner
love this product it truly makes your hair soft and easy to control
Yes, that is why I do what I do.
I love this condish…. It leaves my hair so silky and easy to detangle
they put this product on blast! lol!
Love this on my hair, leaves it soft and silky, and easy to detangle❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
This stuff is great lol sorry you had a disaster to each there own…
This product is great use with some heat It’s even better. I let it sit for 30 mins been using this product for about 6 years
This is a great product
I really do not like their entire line
Not every product is going to have the same effect on each person. You just have to figure out what works for you
I can’t use SE products. These products pull my hair out. I know another young lady who has very nice and thick hair and it pulls her hair out as well.
Silk elements deep nourishing conditioners is the truth. But not everything works for everybody.
It’s not a good look to make someone else’s product look bad. It’s bad for business and makes your character and motive look bad. Just saying. And silk elements is a good product it’s just not for every hair type FYI.
If everyone read the story she said “that she had a reaction to the mineral oil in it,” “that she thought it was a great product and recommended it to anyone who doesn’t have a problem with MINERAL OIL.” So don’t jump down her throat for saying the product didn’t work for her, she even said “she wanted to give it to a friend” not an enemy lol. Please read post fully before just making a comment.
So why would you buy a product that had an ingredient in it that you know you are allergic to and still use it? And than get on here and bad mouth the product. Makes no sense to me, duh
Exactly.. Duh…
If you’re allergic to peanuts would you still eat the peanuts? You know you break out from mineral oil, so why put a product that contains mineral oil in your hair?
Not really. I stick to brands I know because nine times out of ten I’m disappointed at first and eventually none of it stands up to my usual. I get wanting to try something you know is a good product but it was a bit silly.
I love my hair’s natural silkiness and the effect of ‘Global Choice Cholesterol Positive Conditional’. But I have not been able to find it ever since I exhausted it. can anyone please help me on how to get it. thanks.
I actually like silk elements, my hair always washes straight & comes out so smooth when I use them…awesome line of products…
Their luxury moisture conditioner is what the best from the line.