If your hair is dry and you need an instant moisture boost plus the added benefit of having a humectant that will continuously attract moisture from the atmosphere then you will enjoy this simple conditioner.
1/4 cup Honey*
1/4 cup Glycerine*
1/3 cup olive oil*
1 egg yolk
Fragrance/essential oil (optional)
Place the egg yolk honey* and glycerine* and fragrance oil in a blender* and mix until combined. Slowly add the olive oil* and continue blending until the mixture is smooth. Place on wet hair and allow to sit for for up to half an hour. Do not use heat or else you will have scrambled egg in your hair!
Rinse well.
This conditioner is more moisturizing than protein since there isn’t any egg white but you can leave out the egg yolk if you wish.
Paste of honey, glycerin, olive oil and egg yolk is the perfect conditioner for dry hair so the people who are having dry hair should use this paste regularly in order to get silky and healthy hair. Moreover if they want to use any cosmetic products for their hair then they should choose such a product which contains organic ingredients so that it will not harmful for their hair even use regularly. Now days there are lots of treatments available in cosmetic clinics for baldness which are helpful to restore hair permanently through one time surgical treatments.
Is this recipe to be used in place of regular conditioner after shampooing.?