My first experience with curl formers left much to be desired. I purchased the set at Sallys for a disrespectful amount of money and rushed home way too excited about plastic curlers than any woman should be.
I started out on freshly washed hair applied my styling product grabbed the grey stick thingy and tried to get a section of my hair through the curlformer*. Everything was great except I kept pulling and pulling, but for some reason it felt as if I was going to rip my hair out.
I could not get my hair through the curlformer* for anything, which just seemed a little ridiculous. I finally decided to walk away; I gave up, packed the curlformers* in its little container, and put them away until I could figure it out again.
A year later I had a stylist teach me a few techniques or tricks that I could use to make installation a bit easier for me, for example, twisting the roots of my hair prior to pulling it through the curlformer through and everything worked out great after that.
Curlformers are great for a number of reasons:
1. The curls are consistent– Curlformers* really give you a great uniformed curl, and the consistency helps to make sure your styling options are endless.
2. They stretch your hair – Curl formers are a great style for stretching your curls and if you have type 4 hair with tons of shrinkage they can really help you to keep your hair stretched and tangle free.
3. No heat necessary – The style does not require any heat whatsoever! All you have to do is install them and let your hair air-dry and you will end up with curls that are just as smooth as if you used heat to dry them.
4. They are comfortable – This benefit is relative, some women can sleep on them without any issues, others have complained about them being uncomfortable. If you watch the video below, Whitney shows a way to wear the curlformers while asleep so that they are comfortable.
Why they are not so great
The great quality official curlformers are not very economical if you want to purchase the entire set with different sizes. It really depends on you and what you can afford but they are considered to be quite on the expensive side.
Also depending on your hair type, you may not be able to get more than 1 day hair out of the style so you may have to leave them for special occasions only.
Here is Whitney aka Naptural85 showing us how she installs curformers on her 4a hair. She only used shea butter* to style her hair.
The second video is from popular 4c youtuber Jouelzy. Here she uses Oyin handmade products to style her hair with the curlformers.
Have you tried curlformers yet?
Can someone tell me the different types of hair? What is Type 4?
Heres a hair type chart i found online.
Do a Google search on hair types. There’s a chart I saw online that shows u how the curl patterns look for the various hair types.
Yes….I wud like to no that as well. Good question.
Thank you! Is this chart showing hair after it is washed? I’m trying to figure out where I am on here
Your hair in its dry, natural state.
Thank you ms davis. Going natural can quickly turn in to information overload…not to mention the cost of finding the products that work best for your hair
The Real Person!
here is one with dry hair Renea Crawford
I completely agree! I’ve been natural over 2 yrs and I’m still figuring things out too:)
No I think it’s once your hair dries with no product
Does anyone know will it work with permed hair
They are so expensive
Can you use them on transitioning hair
Yes. Love them!
Oh ok thanks so much! I’m a 4c 🙂
Or maybe a 4a…shoot I thought I knew lol
I don’t know my hair type i think am 4b and 4c in the middle of my hair i also have loose curls in the back of my hair:/ i can’t figure out my hair type but am really taking care of my hair and it’s growing beautifully and fast:)
I’m totally getting me some! !
I have. Not the authentic ones but the Vakind Magic Curlers from Amazon and they worked great. I’m a 4b/4c.
I’m SO gonna try this!!
haha “a disrespectful amount”. They really are expensive, I doubt I would ever purchase.
Abbi of BelowtheWaist
Yes they work wonders
Got them in right now
It came out fine…I used elasta QP design foam for hold. I didnt realize that the curlformers could curl in different directions when I was installing it so it didnt look as polish and neat.
Yes love them