Have you ever craved some cute curls? The kind of curls that last for days and just look better and better as the week progresses. There are a ton of tools on the market for curls, everything from rollers, to curlformers* and flexi rods* to perm rods*.
Personally perm rods* are my favorite but when you have longer hair, they don’t work as well as you would like. With that said, I would like to thank the inventor of the straw because straws my friends work just fine when your have long or short hair and you can get some awesome curls.
Here is why straws are great for curly sets:
1. They are cheap – You can pick up a pack of straws for about two dollars at the Dollar General or any grocery store.
2. The curls last – If you want to ensure that the curls last, you can always use a little gel or some light hold creams but honestly the curls hold up really well because they are so tight from the straws. If you have fine hair use less holding products, so that your curls can remain light, fluffy and not weighed down.
3. Great for transitioners – This hair style is a great transitioning hairstyle because you can easily blend both textures and not have to touch your hair for at least five days (maybe seven if you sleep pretty).
Below are two very different ways of doing straw sets and either one will give you that super cute coily look. The thing to remember is to make sure you shampoo and condition your hair well before attempting the style.
I say this because you want your hair to last and not dry out without having to re-moisturize, so ensuring that you have a great foundation is extremely important.
Check out these videos demonstrating two very different methods of achieving a straw set and tell us what you think in the comments.
Here WomanInTheJungle shows us how she achieves hers:
And here the flamboyant AfrikanHairGod shows us how he gets an interesting curl pattern with a straw set.
This guy is for realllllll loooool I just died
im dead too..lol
Ya’ll are crazy..lol
Nothing wrong with a guy wanting curly hair it’s no difference then a guy getting braids or wearing a pony tail.
Im thinking THIS may qualify as different…as well as that ponytail you speak of.
I’m not speaking of no fancy or updo pony tail I’m talking about a regular pulled back up & go pony tail… So it’s no difference just like everyone use to get jerry curls back in the day.
flat lined just now…..lollllllllll he looks proud too
Love hers..his hmmmm I question…
So what? He wants curly hair so he has it! Stop being so ignorant.
Must try this??.
I don’t see anything wrong with his hair I think it’s hot
I don’t see anything wrong with his hair either . I don’t get what’s so funny. If anything this is a smart way to have a curly style instead of going into es-curl or texturizers like other guys do.
LOVE his tutorials! Narada Hayes
but why is he posing like that?? #as if the ROLLERS weren’t enough #wow #disturbing -_-
Because he is being himself.. nothing wrong with tht. Im sure you have ugly faces.
Wtf is disturbing about that?
Theres PLENTY to be disturbed abt this!! But u wouldn’t understand #DESENSITIZED BY SOCIETY
Antoinette, you are certainly entitled to your option. Yet, using the term disturbed to describe how you feel because a man has chose to roller set his hair is questionable judgment. Child molestation is disturbing, the cut in food stamps to millions of families in this country is disturbing, lack of jobs for new college grads is disturbing, and world hunger is disturbing. What a grown man whom you DO NOT KNOW does with his hair to suit himself and not total strangers at best or worse depending on how ya wanna see it is SELF LOVE and SELF EXPRESSION!! Which we all should have the freedom to do. We encourage our kids to go in the world and feel ok about who they are regardless of what people think. Now, if a man with feminine hair doz bothers you then the best advice I can give is “ask yourself why do you even give half of a damn let alone a full one” #liveandletlive
I’m sorry but I can use ANY word I would like too use!! #if it is disturbing ..it is disturbing!!! All the things you have mentioned sound good and all..but unfortunately it is IRRELEVANT ..as it regards to my initial comment!!! THat being because I’am coming from another…clearer view point than what is Normally accepted in SOCIETY!! As all are entitled to their own OPINIONS OR DESCRIPTIONS!! Mine remains the same Hun 😉
Thank you. .now I know I can do this on my son to define his curls. His hair is short and he has three different curl patterns/textures.
I don’t see anything wrong with the guy…
Must. Have. Her. Earrings!!!!
What do you use for natural hair to get it to curl
I love that guy’s hair!! And I totally love how he legit used straws for his hair!! Loooolll.
Looks cute on both!
I’d choose my son having his curls over having thuggish looking braids just my opinion
how do braids look thuggish?? lol smh
I will try this next time I take my hair down.
Beautiful curls on both.
This is kute!
how long does this style last
straw takes on diffrent presentation per texture of each individual I really like this
Lol lol lol to each his own but my man, sons, father or brothers nephews or male cousins BETTA NOT
If you ever watched his YouTube videos…you would see his hair is fly… It’s healthy and better than some others that have been posted on here…. It amaZes me how judgemental some of you are…. Smh…. I like both of them… His take a lot more time and you do get better definition
Who is he? I would love to check out his YouTube videos.
His name is afrikanhairgod on youtube and his personality, hair, and videos are amazing. 🙂
i need those curlers
His hair looks good!
Did u see my finished hair I put on fb?
I need to try this.
What’s his YouTube channel name
Those earring are the best.. the hair pick.. love them.
Im trying this
African Hair god is simply divine I love all if his styles on youtube. His hair is much longer now. Super cute picture.
His youtube is AfrikanHairGod
Afrikan hair god on youtube
I’m jealous
How is his hair not masculine looking, it looks fine to me. Both are beautiful
I am going to try this with my natural locs. Wish me luck!
I use to love a straw set back in my college days! Been a min since I’ve had one!
I like hers
Markisha Walmack…me too! Lol…
*scratches head*
Loving his curls!!!
Im not surr if i shuldd be laughenn or not..
Iluvu-Anaila Mariev wtf does THAT mean?!!!
Do you think I could do this to my hair Kandace? Seriously?
Thank you @blackhairinformation.com for featuring me on your site; and, thank you to those of you who were kind enough to offer your complements!
The Real Person!
your are very welcome! loved the tutorial! Narada Afrikanhairgod Hayes
He can rock some hair.
I’ve watched your channel on yt..awesome!! subbie to both of their channels!!
Thank you Joyce & Shawnee I really appreciate it!
African hair god love his youtube
Love ❤ him on YouTube
I must admit I paused at the guys pic but after the second or two of wth, I actually like his better. Both are nice though
Ooooh i got a pack of straws lol too its on gonna give it a try! Never been so excited about straws lol Naturally Silly (smile)
Ja’Myra Alexander what’s the name of his channel
Tabitha Dynasty B IN MY OPINION braids look thuggish on some males
Andrina Adams we should try this!
O really want to try this
Love it
L am from Australia and am looking for those coloured curlers please help
What I tell FunkyFresh last week! Thousands of women AND!!! Men! Love this cite! Even though he looks like he’s on his way to church to show off his straws while playing his Tamarin child! Lmbo!
For men too i dont know.
Try amazon.com they might have them
I want a straw -set
Loveeeee this !
Love this look!
What kind of straws?
Love straw sets
What’s wrong with his hair?
Um, still looks like a man to me with lol.
awww its so cute:)
I like her hair something about tht 1 no dude should be walking around with rollers in his head I’m just special how I feel hers is really neat and pretty
I had to take a second look…did no realize the second pic was a guy 🙂
I want this. Does it work on relaxed hair?
Yes Roshawn, it works on relaxed hair. I’ve had a straw set on relaxed and natural hair.
Great videos. This looks tedious, but its something that I’d love to try whenever I get some time off.
i wantt the top style
I like his
They both look good….I like his a little more tho because the curls look “unintentional” if you will…
Wow! Really
We used to do this back in the late nineties when I was in college.
Lol no he didn’t
Nicely done Very nice!!!!
Straw sets are the TRUTH! I used to get them done in my dorm for $20..lol..those were the days!
Are those jerry curl rids in HER hair? Nice curls
I LOVED my straw set!
He did it well!! Man you got such nice curls!!! Love it and thanks for the video
This is on of my favorite hair styles.
Gheri Curl Dry
Very nice.
It looks like a tedious process, but it’s something that I would like to try.
This is nothing new. ….
Nice! I love both sets.
Thanks Gilda Adlig. My kids are sleep & I’m about to try it lol!!!
Timeless style
I love when I get a straw set so convient!
Women wearong rods yes mem wearing tjhem hell naah
I dont lyk this
I can’t wait to try this
Thos earrings are awesome…..I’m from Holland and it’s hard to find afro jewelry….not so long ago I started my own where I sell afro pick earrings.
Wow…love straw sets!
I didn’t understand how they did it
…This is me when I don’t do my protective style,..It only lasts several days on my hair because it’s baby fine
Style created using Entwine Couture products. http://www.entwinecouture.com
But guys use the texturizers to get curls…you know, the one for getting those waves…smh…leave the man alone please
love the hair, but why does the girl at the top look so mock in the face in the after photo?
I loves me dome African hair god…
I loveeeee it
Aww look at bro’man lol! Werk!
Where do I get the straw rollers?
Nice to see British features on this page.
Nah…not working.
cute on her.
I’m going to try both but, I don’t know which one for tomorrow.
I did this in my salon 14 years ago
I like it…it really showcases our very variety..