I know that us naturals have our own language. It seems odd to others, as we spout off about this or that regarding our tresses, and speak in a language so foreign we can often times forget that there are people around us that actually speak in English – and not in letters.
We thought it would be interesting to take a look at some of our favorite acronyms, and come up with a list that can help us all understand when a girl says something we might have to think twice about. We know the main ones like a TWA or even DIY, but what about HIH or even S&D? Not so much? Understood, and do not feel bad, as I have been natural for almost 10 years, and still have to think about what some of these mean.
There are far more acronyms out there at many or most Naturals use, but by far the 15 below are the most popular; they will keep you in the ‘know’, and allow you to talk the talk when necessary.
LOC – Liquid, Oil, Cream. It is the most popular way naturals keep their tresses moisturized. Apply a LIQUID (water is the most popular – and the best!) Layer an OIL (or butter) Add a CREAM (moisturizer or styler). There are variations on this, like the LCO and really it just matters on what works best for you.
EVOO* – Extra Virgin Olive Oil* – a great sealant, and is great for deep conditioning*.
DIY – Do It Yourself – we DIY shampoos, conditioners, spray bottle concoctions, etc. This can even transfer into creating your own styles, wigs*, and or weaves.
BC – Big Chop – when someone chops all their relaxed hair off, and goes natural.
TWA – Teeny Weeny Afro. Usually right after a BC, you grow a TWA.
PJ – Product Junkie. Will be on the hunt for the latest and the greatest, and has a bathroom full of products.
CG – Curly Girl (Method) or CG Method. A hair regimen created by Lorraine Massey is an approach to caring for curly, coily and wavy hair that is unique – and quite different from the norm. It helps to hydrate your hair. The method can be found in ‘Curly Girl: The Handbook.’
EO – Essential Oil (Lavender, Peppermint*, etc.).
DC – Deep conditioner*. Left on for an extended period of time after each wash.
3abc/4a/4b/4c– A hair type classification system based on unique curl patterns.
HIH – Hand In Hair syndrome. Yeah, we had to give it one because it is real!
HG – Holy Grail. Many Bloggers and Vloggers use this term as the products that are tried and true.
EVCO – Extra Virgin Coconut oil* – great for sealing and DC.
S&D – Search & Destroy. A trimming tactic. With hair shears, search under great lighting (usually the bathroom) for split ends. Not a real trim, but a way to check for snags, tangles, and split ends in-between regular trims.
W&G – Wash & Go. It is not technically a Wash and Go, but usually a Co-wash, add a styler and go. Hair is left to air-dry. Typically an easier style to maintain or create.
what about the super natural girls?
←Still learning.Thanks for this.