Crochet braids have been in style for a while now, but after watching my friends struggle for hours and sometimes days installing them, I just wasn’t with it. Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely love the look and style. I mean, some people have the technique so down pact that the hair looks like their own!
But for me, there were a few factors that made the trend a little less attractive:
1. Marley hair is expensive!
The lowest price I’ve ever bought it for was $5 (even in Ghana) per pack! This adds up when you do any style that calls for volume. Crochet braids and other Marley styles usually take around 4-5 packs. You can save and reuse your hair but only for so long.
2. Installation takes forever
Let’s think about this one. Crochet braids require three steps, all of which take a significant amount of time if done right: Step 1. Cornrow hair, Step 2. Crochet the extensions* in, Step 3. Curl and style the hair. All of that takes hours to finish, and usually requires you to free up your whole weekend.
3. Too much upkeep
By “upkeep” I mean the effort it takes to keep the curls looking right and the hair looking full. Often, people have to re-curl or twist each week, which can be time consuming and tedious.
4. You may neglect your actual hair
The number one rule of protective styling is: Don’t forget about your real hair! With crochet braids it seems a lot more difficult to moisturize your hair daily under the Marley hair. This can be a setback if your goal is to grow or strengthen your hair through protective styling.
So what’s the alternative you may ask?
What’s the best way to get clipins? So they sell them at most beauty stores?
I wash & condition my hair while in cornrows. My hair actually thrives during those 3-4 weeks. Clip-ins that I like cost +$100s. I use a variety of synthetic hair textures. But we must do what works for us & fits our budget. I really enjoy being natural.