What is Creamy Crack?
Creamy Crack is used to refer to chemical relaxers because it is believed they are addictive for those who are constantly ...
What Are Cones?
Cones is the shorted form of the word Silicones. They are compounds added to some conditioning and styling products which aid in ...
What is Condish?
Condos is an abbreviation for conditioner ...
What is Coily?
Coily is a term used to refer to some natural textures for which the general characteristic of the strand is a ...
What Are Coils?
Coils also known as comb coils or finger coils are a style achieved by wrapping small sections of wet hair around ...
What is Clarifying?
Clarifying is a process of cleansing the hair to remove oil, product and minerals build-up, by using specialty shampoos or a ...
What Does CG Or CGM Mean?
CG is the abbreviation for Curly Girl and CGM stands for Curly Girl Method. This is a routine that eliminates the ...
What is CBL?
CBL stands for Collar Bone Length. This abbreviation makes reference to hair that extends down to the level of the ...