The other day, I ran across an article that introduced a discussion about the face of the natural hair movement. It argued that it was being “hijacked” or represented by bi or multiracial women who have wavy hair or looser curl patterns and was starting to exclude Black women with short hair or kinky*, coily textures.
This is in no way, shape, or form a new concept or opinion. I’ve heard a bit about curl discrimination and how some curl patterns are favored over others, and some women have even suggested that it’s a part of a deeper issue such as colorism. I can’t say that I agree with everything because I regularly see all types of women being represented within the natural hair community, but I definitely believe that they are onto something.
Both of these discussions were interesting and thought provoking, but ultimately brought me to one question: who exactly is the face of the natural hair movement? Of course, it is not a company or organization so there can’t be an official “face” or representative, but I’m curious to know, who do people picture in their heads when they think “natural hair”?
For me, I see an array of women with all different types of looks. I see everything from purple afros to hip-length locs; beautiful black and mixed race women embracing their natural beauty. And honestly? I wouldn’t want it any other way.
We are a group of women who inadvertently decided to re-define beauty standards by simply loving our hair–and ourselves–as is; it’s very hard for me to put a “face” to that when so many beautiful and unique women (and men) are attached to it. In this case, I believe there isn’t one face, but many.
What do you guys think? Is there a face of the natural hair movement, and if so, what do they look like to you? Comment below!
Shanieka Gaines says
To deny that ambiguous black women, biracial women, or multi racial women, with a looser curl pattern isn’t the face of the “natural” hair movement, is a blatant lie. And when it’s a woman with kinky coils, it’s showing how to stretch , there hair out. Or style it. Usually shown as a problem. Not celebrated.
Anonymous says
Everyone who is natural!!