Our girl Chime Edwards has been on a real educational kick lately and her latest video is about some of the harmful effects of relaxers.
She makes a note to say that her video is in no way intended to bash women who use relaxers but basically to give you more awareness on what we might be using in our lifestyles. “Each one teach one”, right?
I never watched Chris Rock’s movie on black hair back in the day. Actually, I generally do not really watch videos about the dangers of relaxers, just on this occasion.
This video intrigued me, more so because I am subscribed to Chime and I trust her content for the most part. Additionally it reminded me of my own experience with relaxed hair.
I remember before ‘the final straw’ I could not for the life of me get my hair to be healthy regardless of how much protein I used, how much money I spent with the stylist, how much I deep conditioned, it just did not matter. My hair broke and shed as if I neglected it for months at a time.
With all of that said I never one time considered giving up my relaxer, I never ever thought that it was the problem because I just did not want my hair any other way than straight. I refused to listen to what my hair was telling me.
Then it happened, I lost all of my hair in the middle of my head. It fell out, gone,…. kaput, it gave up on me and I was forced to make a decision.
My hair is very very fine. If you read my posts you will probably hear me say that I have the finest hair on the planet. Fine hair cannot survive years of relaxing and I learned that the hard way.
Ladies when your body is telling you something you should listen, this is my one and only message to you based on my own experience. But I have to be honest, do I recommend relaxers? No! Based on what I went through, how can I?
What I will not do however is bash another person for their choice to relax. We will not stop educating women who relax or go natural on the best way to care for their hair though. Through education you can decide for yourself on the best choices for you.
Check out Chime’s video and share your thoughts below:
Wangari Mwenda says
this is why vaseline was invented,use some
Lashonda Taylor says
Brittany Richardson says
Clearly you need to do your research on how relaxers damage your scalp…but i guess you suggest one put vaseline on each section of that too….smh
Val Rice Kennedy says
I had relaxed hairs for years and my hair was past my shoulders. I decided to jump on the natural hair bandwagon. Almost three years after the big chop my hair was about 4 inches long. Imagine my sadness and devastation as I watched women have beautiful long locks 18 months after the big chop. Also my hair was constantly shedding shedding shedding and not growing. Yes I have always gotten my hair done by a professional and when natural I was constantly braiding my own hair to keep it “protected”, but nothing helped. I went back to a relaxers about 7 months ago and while my hair is not down my back it is past my ears. So while I applaud natural women (and yes I’m sad I’m not one of them) it’s more important for my hair to be healthy than natural.
Brittany Richardson says
Your natural hair was only 4 inches long after 3 years??? Lmao. You either lying your ass off or didnt take care of your natural hair the way you’re supposed to…wth? Natural hair takes more time to take care of than relaxed hair but it should have grown more than 4 inches in 3 years….I call BS but oh well…none of my bizz..
Val Rice Kennedy says
Believe it or not I have no reason to lie (I don’t know you and I’m not being compensated. I’m just sharing my personal experience) and I didn’t actually measure it but it was TINY. I know natural hair takes more care which is why I continued to use a stylist. I’m sure it was growing but it was shedding at a faster rate. It was extremely dry and brittle. No I don’t know why I’m not a stylist but it is what it is.
Lauren G says
Hey Val I feel you! I was having the same issues with my hair (shedding, slow growth, etc.) I went to two different dermatologists in addition to my own family doctor to see what the problem was. No one could give me an answer so I started to pay REALLY close attention to what I was using on my hair, how I was handling my hair, my diet, my environment, stress level -EVERYTHING because I was desperate to find out why my hair was taking so long to grow. I finally found out that it wasn’t just ONE thing. It was a combination of things. Here is what I did to get my hair to grow more and shed less: After experimenting with what seemed like every hair care product on the market (product junkie in recovery) I finally found a shampoo/condition/moisturizer that didn’t irritate the heck out of me Shea Moisture African Black Soap shampoo and conditioner, Shea Moisture Coconut and Hibiscus hair smoothie as a moisturizer, and Kinky Curly custard for hold. You may have your own choices but that’s just a start (Shea Moisture has the least irritating, most natural products I’ve used so far). I also started using a water filter for my shower head -chlorine in the water was killing me! I also started to watch what I ate -no more processed foods and PLENTY of water. II’m from Ohio but I live in North Carolina now and have never needed to use sunscreen. I began to use it for my skin but never considered that my hair and scalp might need sunscreen as well so guess what? Yep I found sun for those areas as well (I use Banana Boat brand but you can just Google sunscreen for hair and scalp for more choices). I know this was a bit lengthy but I hope it helps. -LG
Brittany Richardson says
There actually are reasons to lie. One would be to make relaxed hair seem better than being natural…if you say you arent lying then i have no choice but to believe you. However, you have yourself to blame as I have said. You mosy likely didnt take care of your hair correctly. I had have relaxers all my life and NEVER been taught how to care for my natural hair. So i was in your boat once i did the big chop. I got frustrated but little did i know that i wasnt taking care of it properly. I had to learn this crap on my own. But it takes patience and dedication. It would have been great if uou wouldve stayed natural but, i guess shit happens….
Cosmo Ellon says
Oh boy here we go
Mera Anderson says
Right!!!^^^ put vaseline around your ears, neck, forehead and scalp.
Debby Akhimie says
I still get burns after applying vaseline… Kiddies relaxer leave my scalp burnt. Relaxers weren’t just meant for me.
Tiffany Nicole Roberts says
Kiddie relaxers aren’t for adults !! That’s why you had bad experience with that !! And you have to apply the vaseline only around the perimeter of the hairline
Debby Akhimie says
Tiffany I resorted to kiddies relaxers cos of how tender my scalp is and I still got burns. It was way milder than the adult relaxers but I still got burns. My scalp goes red if I touch too much even now that I am natural. Relaxers aren’t for me,wish they were. Vaseline doesn’t work either so quit with the exclamations.
Chelsea Marie says
I am so glad that you support all types of black hair! That is something I try to spread throughout our community too. There is no need to hate natural or relaxed women. Everyone has the right to choose what they prefer. Let’s continue education on finding your own healthy hair journey 🙂 I love this page!
Jenny JackJack says
Use some Vaseline and don’t scratch, comb, or shampoo before your relaxer! Read the directions and make sure that you wash the chemicals out with a neutralizing shampoo …. Next ….
Kamela M Oxner says
Also , avoid caffeinated drinks prior to re-touch or virgin relaxer
Anette Sanders says
Kamela……what? I’ve been relaxing my hair since I was 13 by myself, I know not to scratch my scalp and I lightly grease my scalp two days before I relax and of course I use grease around my ears but I’ve been doing it so long I’m a pro, hair be laid in 25 minutes
Lashonda Taylor says
DIRECTIONS, what are those? Lol!!!
Jenny JackJack says
Kamela M Oxner that’s an important rule!!! Coffee and relaxers are a no no lol!
Michele Miller says
What’s wrong with coffee and relaxers? I have had a relaxer while drinking coffee plenty of times.
Brittney Latoy Cruz says
It can irritate the scalp remember everyone is diff. This is very true my beautician will not relax you’re hair if you drink it in her shop before hand
Kerimah Rogers says
Oh give me a break. It’s mighty funny that in the 90’s and 00’s before this “natural hair” craze came about, all these articles bashing relaxers were non-existent. All I ever saw all around me was every black girl/woman running to the salon to get their hair relaxed at the slightest little kink that appeared. At that time, I DID NOT wear relaxers, I had texturizers, so my hair was never bone straight but it was long and thick. All I heard from other girls is, “when are you getting a perm”, “you need a stronger perm” and “why don’t you get perms”? Now, I relax my hair with a mild relaxer and I don’t have (and have never had) problems with scalp burn and all the stuff these women have. Relaxed isn’t for everyone, natural isn’t for everyone.
Tiffany Nicole Roberts says
That’s true !! I’ve had relaxers in my hair for so long since I was 13, now I stopped getting them because my hair was falling out , it’s been 6 months since I had a relaxee, I’ve return to my natural state !! But I’ve planned on going back to it soon
Dina Fagan says
I have had relaxers for yrs and never had these issues and she is so right now the natural phase and bashing relaxers. I know several people that WERE natural and went back to relaxers. It ain’t all cracked up like they thought it would be.
Kerimah Rogers says
My hair just grows in too thick and I’m too lazy to maintain and do the work that natural hair requires. My life and career keeps me too busy for that
Suzette Hinds-Riddick says
When you know better you do better
Cb Sampson says
As a race we can change for the better and thats what we are doing relaxing your hair causes fiberoids also
Kerimah Rogers says
Ok so what about the non-black women who DON’T relax their hair and still have fibroids, cancer, and everything else?
Kerimah Rogers says
My stomach should be LOADED with fibroids by now if that’s the case.
kay says
Unless you’ve had an ultrasound and went looking, you wouldn’t know you had them. I had 8 and never felt a thing or had any symptoms.
Jenny JackJack says
I never get scalp burns either! This article is just a scare tactic !
Jenny JackJack says
Women of all races get fibroids … And trust me these women do not have relaxers. I still haven’t met a relaxed black lady with the condition.
kay says
3 times as many black women compared to other races get fibroids. In most cases there are no symptoms that’s why you think no one you know has them. You can’t feel them. I didn’t know I had them till I had an ultrasound done. Then I found 8.
Krystal White says
Sad that the hair that grows out of your scalp isn’t “for you”
Jenny JackJack says
Yeah yeah^^^ said the lady that has fake hair and braids in her pictures ! Stop wearing weave if you love your natural hair so much ! There’s nothing worst than a hypocrite .
Tonya Gross says
I went to a “professional” who burned the hair out of the top of my head, as I complained the relaxer was burning, and I recently had surgery to remove fibroids. Every case is different.
Hindala Jones says
ooch that hurt’s
Alesha Clayton says
Base really well
Elldwinia Brown English says
Tiffany Nicole Roberts says
That’s why you have to put vaseline, or base creme around the perimeter of the hairline before applying relaxer !!
Tiffany Washington Robinson says
Looks like no scalp base was used, ever……. It’s called Sensitive Scalp.
Je'ney Hawthorne says
Lies….use the petroleum duh
Taylor Arianna says
Base or Vaseline problem solved. Stop acting like relaxers are the devil because you do one in your kitchen.
Retta Williams-allen says
The directions in every box says to use Vaseline. Some people just don’t want to take the time to read instructions!
Sherry VanHorn says
Cha LaBranche says
The new found hate for relaxed hair is funny AF like there’s a lot of women w natural hair n their hair isn’t healthy !! It’s all about taking care of your hair relaxed or permed
Jenny JackJack says
Those natural are bald headed the majority of the time , but always trying to throw shade at the relaxed chicks .
Traneia Patterson says
Im keepn ma relaxer!!! Luv it!!!
Tonya Gross says
Not about hating relaxers, it’s about informing. Some people just don’t know how to take care of their hair.
Btw natural does not equal bald. No shade, just uplifting.
Jenny JackJack says
Honestly you’re wasting your time informing us relaxed heads… There is a high amount of diseases in the black community such as obesity , high blood , high cholesterol etc that you should be more concerned about…. Go preach about that. I’ve seen tons of obese naturals running around here.
Nina Douglas says
I read in a hair book once, its not the relaxer that damages your hair, it’s how you used it.
Shelly Goody Allison says
Brandy Wine says
Read the directions on the product and follow them, you should have no problems…
Kenyetta McCarty says
It’s called a relaxer not a bone straightener, so please stop blaming relaxers for damage scalps and hair loss… blame do it yourself kits and miss use of the product please!
Ashley Ruiz says
This that s**t I be talking about… An underhanded disapproval/bashing of relaxers. Please educate everyone on the harms of ingredients in MOST products people are using in their hair. Please talk about how most of these “organic” or “all natural” hair companies are just greenwashed. I’ll wait. Oh, you won’t, but you will continuously talk about the dangers of relaxers? Ok… Another dumb article…
Wanjiku Kathy says
Go natural
James L. Mitchell says
Yea so vaseline is a big no no and use a good scalp base and please don’t be cheap and use a box relaxer then your hair will be laying in the sink. This came from not basing the scalp and from someone not knowing what they were doing. Prime example of a kitchen beautician.
Claudine Woods says
Another reason to go natural.
La'Toya Singletary says
This is why you grease the hairline very well before application.
Val Rice Kennedy says
I had relaxed hairs for years and my hair was past my shoulders. I decided to jump on the natural hair bandwagon. Almost three years after the big chop my hair was about 4 inches long. Imagine my sadness and devastation as I watched women have beautiful long locks 18 months after the big chop. Also my hair was constantly shedding shedding shedding and not growing. Yes I have always gotten my hair done by a professional and when natural I was constantly braiding my own hair to keep it “protected”, but nothing helped. I went back to a relaxers about 7 months ago and while my hair is not down my back it is past my ears. So while I applaud natural women (and yes I’m sad I’m not one of them) it’s more important for my hair to be healthy than natural.
Cb Sampson says
You do not need to relax your hair it is beautiful natural and can be straightened when you want it that way
Traneia Patterson says
But wont stay that way!!!
Raynisha Renee Jackson says
My hair is natural but i tell you what, i struggle. I try to flat iron my hair or press it out.. 10minutes later, it’s curly again. I done sweated it out. But when I had relaxers in my hair, i could sweat & my curl would still be there, hanging tightly. So yea with a relaxer, alot of styles & looks using heat are more possible than with natural hair using heat…
Cb Sampson says
CityTruck Prod says
That’s caused because you let it get on your skin. and it looks as if you didn’t use gloves either . . .your nails are horrible.
Patrice Lomax says
Um … never had that happen. Line your scalp, hairline, and ears with some type of protectant (even Vaseline is OK) and this won’t happen!
Andrea Gray Muhammad says
Please!!!! She already had an irritation behind her ear. If the relaxer tush it most definitely it’s going to get worse.
Amanda Bradley says
Funny how they never mention naturals lol if yall feel some type of way it’s a personal problem you can’t say one isn’t healthier than the other…by default less chemicals with anything is better but babyyyyy understand you don’t have to explain yourself to nobody!! Lmfaoooooo I’m sensing a lot of insecurities in these comments bahahaha
Ni-Ni Patterson says
Sorry, but that is why you prep your previously relaxed hair, scalp, and perimeter. Relaxer isn’t supposed to touch your scalp or skin in the 1st place. Just hair. And just in case it does, whatever you base your scalp with, along with making sure to refrain from washing or doing anything that will irritate your scalp, works well. I’m beyond “tender headed”, and my scalp is easily irritated, but I know how to relax and style my hair without losing my “edges”, “kitchen”, or just hair in general. It’s not that hard to properly relax hair without having horror stories left behind.
On the other hand, relaxers don’t work for everyone. I know people who have gone to a professional and no matter what, the relaxer would not take. Others have thin and/or weak hair anyway, so it’s obvious as to why they don’t go over well for them.
Fox Lisa says
Never has this problems . some people just have sensitive skin.
Alycia M. Ward says
I HATE anything greasy/oily on and near my face bc my face is naturally oily but I slathered that Vaseline. Forehead, edges, whole ears, neck lol. It all got washed with that neutralizing shampoo too. Some forget that stuff runs when your washing it out.
Carmen Martinez says
🙂 :-[ :-
Goldie Munnings says
Again Black Hair you are wrong you insist on this unprofessional lies any professional know to base the hair line 34years never seem this Clients shouldn’t brush or pull hair in ponytail on relaxer day or comb the hair ruffly and not on your period
Deon L Singleton-Rivera says
Tana Hickman says
Toy Jaynell says
I’m in transition but I will say when I use to relax my hair,I would get bad scalp burns but that was only because my hair sweat so bad. nothing is wrong with a relaxer or being natural as long as you take care of it.i will never understand why relax and natural hair people shade each other.
Lillian Lovett says
Natural is the way to go.or use Vaseline to base of hair before relaxing
Laneshia Gunter says
Smfh. Everybody hardheaded. This is not the Great Debate, this is an opinion piece. Stop the third degree and take care of your hair as you wish.
ItsMizz Jay Birdy says
Lmbo jenny jack needs a dam job you stay on every post everybody hair isnt the same. She emotional yall .Plz black hair hire her ass. But why so much hate on us naturals you mad or nah lmbo. Pure f**kery foolishness. Its either it grows or dont but dont come hate on my natural lane tho, excuse me us naturals. No its not a headache and you can get bone straight results like a perm. And before some jerk comments yes ive done both perm and natural so save it
Lynette Bufford says
That is your experience..I’ve never had that problem and I have been relaxing my hair all of my life
Delvita Brumfield says
self respect and pride in what we do have is what will make us strong and untouchable
Aquarius Love says
Transitioned from relaxed to natural hair in 2009…loving my waves and curls. I didn’t know they were there til I chopped off the relaxed hair. Natural and versatile. #loveit
Besette Robinson says
I know that all too well been natural for 2 years best decision I ever made
Robbie Holloway says
I used grease in it still burns my ears in face.
Sophia DIxon says
Protect your skin, simple, simple, I still love relaxers just don’t over do it.
Raynisha Renee Jackson says
Okay! That’s the whole point! It’s supposed to be YOUR HAIR. Don’t worry about everybody else’s hair you know? Unless you are a stylist such as myself, then yeah you can worry about the clients that walk in your door. Consult to them honestly & you have the right to refuse service. I don’t understand all of this , the need too get people to jump on their bandeagon when everybody should be themselves… maybe one is scared to have a different style than others & would feel better being apart of a community if everyone had the same? Like they were scared to stand out & be different.
AshLi K-Burke says
Most hair dressers gossip 2 much
kim says
Haha, are black women still defending the use of relaxers in this day and age? Putting a corrosive chemical on your scalp is stupid. I can’t believe I was that ignorant. Now, I love myself a lot more and care about what goes in and on my body. No junk food and no corrosive chemicals for me.
Tracy Pruitt says
This isn’t new Vaseline omgno body that dum 🙂
Marie says
I have been relaxed and natural. I also went to a quality salon and had my hair done by a professional stylist and instructor with over 20 years experience. She also based my head prior to relaxers. Over time, my scalp began to become sore, itchy and flaky and I needed an alternative to relaxing my hair. Enter the natural hair movement. I transitioned and cut my relaxed ends. I had long beautifully healthy relaxed hair and now I have beautifully healthy long natural hair. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that harsh chemicals+years=damage. It really doesn’t have to be this serious. I believe the goal should be to teach women that your natural hair can be manageable and beautiful. Honestly I spend less time doing my hair now. Me and relaxed hair had some struggles.
Mimi Merritt says
Find someone who knows what they’re doing, or stop trying to yourself. Never had this problem.
Laura Marie says
Everyone is different. My mom always had a professional that she trusted do her relaxers and her scalp is damaged to the point that her hair won’t grow. She also has really fine hair so I don’t know if that matters since I have really thick hair and never had a problem
Jackie Berry says
NEVER AGAIN. Also causes cancer from all the chemicals in them!!!
Ashley Elaine Plummer says
I don’t know anyone who got cancer from a relaxer
Mika Sampson Rowell says
All these pro-relaxer folks finding justifications as though these caustic ingredients found in them are safe. For those who feel they are harmless, continue to apply them…just maybe you won’t experience alopecia or hair thinning. It’s your life, your choice.
Ashley Elaine Plummer says
Anything not done correctly will harm you.
Mika Sampson Rowell says
Relaxers are just the worst…chemicals right directly onto the scalp…near the brain. European ideal of beauty led black women to believe that they needed to apply chemical relaxers to their head to achieve that beauty standard of white women.
Mika Sampson Rowell says
If it’s not true, then women would learn to accept their hair just the way it grows out their scalp. They would not resort to putting toxic chemicals onto their scalp to include sodium hydroxide, calcium hydroxide, guanidine carbonate, guanidine hydroxide, thioglycolic acid, lithium hydroxide. This is all to achieve straight hair. They need to remove the kinks from their minds; not their hair~Garvey.
Ram Reives says
It’s not just about us accepting our hair when we are targeted at school and work for allowing our hair to grow as is. Society doesn’t like our hair.
Lexi Martinez says
Some people just don’t like the hassle of being natural. I miss perms but since I enjoy weaves majority of the time I don’t bother. Bring natural isn’t for everybody. Stop trying to make people feel bad for their decision for their hair.
Kira Stevens says
RIGHT! People are brainwashed into not seeing it his way though. Relaxing your hair is just as bad as bleaching your skin ????????♀️. Like it or not, nothing but facts.
Roxanne Nelson says
” The argument that “natural” hair is unmanageable is another myth “. Girl call it whatever u want, fact is that i do not have the time and dont want to spend that much time combing my hair everyday. And I don ‘t find your view on hair offensive, the way you judge other people and turn this ish into a race thing is what I find offensive ????.
Arlene LookingGlass says
get it done right and you wont suffer those type of mishaps, and 4 the one saying ppl trying to be white think again whether you relax your hair ya still black, so no misunderstanding there.
Jennifer Cook says
There’s no correct way to put in a substance that does long term damage to your hair. This chemical literally burns your hair into submission. It doesn’t matter if you do it yourself, get it in a salon, or have your third cousin put it in. Most hair specialists reccomend that you do not get this type of treatment because you are chemically altering and damaging your natural crown. It has nothing to do with color and everything to do with loving your body and not applying dangerous chemicals to it…
Carese Cage says
You not basing ur scalp…I use Sensitive Scalp base it get cool when burning starts…and don’t scratch b4 perms ur opening up pores to be irritated
Mary L. Hart says
No matter how much my scalp was based I still burned and yes my hair dresser did the basing even some hair dye causes my scalp to burn so I will remain natural ☺☺☺
Bonnie Sampson says
Wow looks painful.
Valerie Ferguson says
Natural Rocks!! 🙂
Kesha Matthews says
I love when I relax my hair..haven’t had a problem yet…can’t wait for the next one..Im more concerned with the chemicals that we are eating in our food all day everyday
Latisha Lobban says
How the heck you burn your EARS relaxing your HAIR
Imade Iyamu says
So glad I don’t have to worry about this
Deborah Joseph says
Same here,natural hair rocks my boat.
Unique Burke says
Relaxers are no good for the hair…lye can eat away metal…
Tiffany Elston says
Don’t forget about the internal health issues relaxers cause, particularly with hormones.
Cherona Cheri says
Also the foods you eat have chemicals. So unless you grow it yourself you don’t really know what your putting in your body…
Shonek Weaver says
Relaxer is applied to hair roots/ new growth and not the scalp. Forehead, hairline, ears and neck are to be protected with base or petroleum jelly. Prior to relaxing the hair one should not manipulate it too much or let it get wet(not even sweat) or you may burn especially if those areas aren’t protected. I have been natural for the last five years and this year I fine myself straightening my hair more and was considering getting a relaxer again. Plastic, smart phones, cleaning supplies and some of our water supplies are thought to cause cancer. To each their own ♀️♀️
Ram Reives says
I’m natural, but when I had a perm my hair came out as normal. Shedding is normal. Why do you think white people have hair all over themselves half the time? But like most things, not everything is for everyone ♀️
Michelle Gause says
here we go. Lawd let people do what they want to do with their own hair. Everybody that gets a relaxer know the risks. There are risks to everything in life. ALL hair will damage if you don’t take care of it. #BeYouDoYou
Olympia Ortega says
Relaxers are bad for your health period, regardless of what they do for your hair.
Sheila Taylor says
Thats y i dont mess around with no relaxers its going on 7 yrs since i relaxed my hair i got fine hair dont need it
Roslyn Truesdale says
I believe I was allergic to the chemicals in the relaxers. I don’t care how much oil was on my scalp, I always burned, BAD. I had a terrible headache every time. Different relaxers, stylist, same result.
Maya Dennies says
Yes me too. I had bad headaches all while I was relaxed. I noticed since I have been natural I do not have those headaches anymore. I think no i know that relaxes were a major key in why I was getting those bad headaches. Been natural 4 years and no more headaches.
Ke Jones says
Go natural… any hair type looks bomb af with a blow out & flat iron.. same effect.. you’d think u had a relaxer
Nikki Jackson says
Peep the nail
Tanesha Winston says
Wow never had that issue and I have a short haircut and get perms all the time
Norica Oya says
Team natural, anything that has the capabilities of burning through my skin does not belong on my head.
Jennifer Cook says
There’s no correct way to put in a substance that does long term damage to your hair. This chemical literally burns your hair into submission. It doesn’t matter if you do it yourself, get it in a salon, or have your third cousin put it in. Most hair specialists reccomend that you do not get this type of treatment because you are chemically altering and damaging your natural crown. It has nothing to do with color and everything to do with loving your body and not applying dangerous chemicals to it…
Jennifer Cook says
Perming is like smoking, we all know it’s dangerous but some people still choose to do it. Why do you think people call it creamy crack? It’s a bit of an exaggeration but to some people it’s just as addicting a feeling as the cigarette is to a smoker….
Vanessa White says
Relaxer bashing again! That would only happen if care wasn’t taken before, during and after application.
Theresa Andrews says
Why is the relaxer way down around your ear?
Tanya Weise says
Yep. That’s a known world fact.
Irritated scalp, relaxed on skin or left in too long can cause this.
How come you just knowing that?
Julia Jewels Chinganga says
Use it correctly and that won’t happen.
Aysia Holmes says
Each to their own.
There is risk with everything. Limit the risks by going to a professional to have it done. I’m team natural now. I was relaxed for years!!! but like I said each to their own
Msb Brookes says
I thought we left the creamycrack alone…
Tamya Short says
This happened to me after coloring my hair.
Bernie Bee says
Natural for over a year now ,,,, love it
Queen Ib says
Natural is the best relax is just full of chemicals never tried that on my hair thou
Caribbean Queen says
Well STOP relaxing your hair, accept the way you were created. God is never wrong.♀️
Lisa Ballard says
Careful! Some hair gels too!
Lisa Ballard says
Chemicals in perms/relaxers are also linked to fibroids!
Arrelia Rea Mosley says
You are suppose to grease the outer sections of edges , ears , neck ….
Mimi Merritt says
Here we go y’all. SMH
Venise Germain says
Child please I’ve putting perms for years my ears are still in tact ???? #fakenews
Tanya Desaint says
Mona Hendricks-Bradford says
???? been there.